
rejoinder n.1.回答,答辯;回嘴。2.(被告的)第二答辯。


There is something singular about you , said he : you have the air of a little nonnette ; quaint , quiet , grave , and simple , as you sit with your hands before you , and your eyes generally bent on the carpet except , by the bye , when they are directed piercingly to my face ; as just now , for instance ; and when one asks you a question , or makes a remark to which you are obliged to reply , you rap out a round rejoinder , which , if not blunt , is at least brusque 我敢打賭,你這人有點兒特別, ”他說, “你的神態像個小nonnette ,怪僻文靜嚴肅單純。你坐著的時候把手放在面前,眼睛總是低垂著看地毯順便說一句,除了穿心透肺似地掃向我臉龐的時候,譬如像剛才那樣,別人問你一個問題,或者發表一番你必須回答的看法時,你會突然直言不諱地回答,不是生硬,就是唐突。

You shall not get off in that way , rejoined stryver , shouldering the rejoinder at him ; no , sydney , it s my duty to tell you - and i tell you to your face to do you good - that you are a devilish ill - conditioned fellow in that sort of society . you are a disagreeable fellow “可你也不能就這樣溜掉, ”斯特萊佛回答,話鋒仍轉向西德尼, “不,西德尼,我有義務告訴你為了幫助你,我要當而告訴你,你跟那樣的人來往的時候簡直丟臉透了。

“ one can quite see that madame doesn t come from the country , “ was the servant s prim and tardy rejoinder . “ as for me , i knew the country only too well when i was with my dentist . he had a house at bougival “人家一看太太就知道不是鄉下人, ”女仆繃著臉終于開口了, “我呀,我對農村倒很熟悉,我在一個牙科醫生家里干過活,他在布吉瓦爾有一座房屋所以,我知道今天晚上一定很冷,這一帶天氣很潮濕。 ”

Abstract : jonas ' s philosophical biology and ethics offers one of the most systematic and challenging rejoinders to the legacy of heidegger in particular , and to the spirit of the twentieth century as a whole 約納斯建立的生命哲學與倫理學“針對海德格爾的遺產乃至于二十世紀的整體精神,提出了最系統、最有挑戰性的一個回應” 。

Jonas ' s philosophical biology and ethics offers one of the most systematic and challenging rejoinders to the legacy of heidegger in particular , and to the spirit of the twentieth century as a whole 摘要約納斯建立的生命哲學與倫理學“針對海德格爾的遺產乃至于二十世紀的整體精神,提出了最系統、最有挑戰性的一個回應” 。

Madam , i should like some tea , was the sole rejoinder she got . she hastened to ring the bell ; and when the tray came , she proceeded to arrange the cups , spoons , etc . , with assiduous celerity “太太,我想喝茶, ”這是她所得到的唯一的回答,她趕緊去打鈴,托盤端上來時,又去張羅杯子,茶匙等,顯得巴結而麻利。

At the risk of her own was the telling rejoinder of his interlocutor none the less effective for the moderate and measured tone in which it was delivered 他的論敵富于說服力地駁斥說:這可是冒著自己喪失生命的危險!盡管說話的語調溫和而有分寸,仍然擊中了要害。

American plea - bargaining emerged in nineteenth century . it is that the defendants gain the prosecutor ' s fair lenient treatment by the guilty rejoinder 美國辯訴交易產生于十九世紀,是指被告人通過有罪答辯,換取控訴方的適當寬恕。

“ no , but that she is loved , “ was the smiling rejoinder . “ the experiment has succeeded . she is awakened at last . “不,只是有人愛上她了, ”她含笑回答, “我們的實驗成功了,她終于蘇醒了過來。 ”

There was the smallest vein of scorn in her words of rejoinder : have you saved yourself ? charity begins at home , they say 在她的回答里,只帶了一點兒淡淡的鄙夷: “你把自己拯救出來了嗎?

“ that s better , “ was the mollified rejoinder . “ you try to write , but you don t succeed “那還好, ”口氣緩和了些, “你試著寫過,但是沒有成功。

I neither want any thanks , nor merit any , was the careless rejoinder “我不需要感謝,也不值得感謝, ”回答是滿不在乎的一句。

` no ! ' was his curt rejoinder 他草率地回答了一聲不!

A little note had therefore been appended to one of mr. slope's most telling rejoinders . 在斯洛普先生的一篇最有力的反駁文章后面,附加了一小條按語。