
rejoin vt.1.使再接合,使再聚合 (to, with)。2....


Will make me rejoin the oss . that is why you called , isn ' t it 我也不會重新加入oss你打電話就是為了這個,對吧?

Ten groups of oracle bone rejoining 甲骨綴合十組

To rejoin chung on street southbound 工程,直至

And with that he turned on his heel and rejoined the other two 說完,他就轉過身去,重新和另外兩個談起話來。

Node 1 rejoins the cluster 將節點1重新加入群集。

Japan rejoins international society 日本重返國際社會

“ i persist in thinking her too familiar , “ ralph rejoined “我還是不能不認為她太冒失, ”拉爾夫回答道。

“ you said i did real well in chicago , “ she rejoined “可你說過我在芝加哥的演出確實不錯, ”她反駁說。

Rejoined he , with a smile of dark and self - relying intelligence 他接口說,臉上露出陰沉和自信的笑意。

Not at all , ’ he rejoined rudely 一點也不,他粗魯地回答。

The younger brother impatiently rejoined , “ with twelve o clock ? “弟弟不耐煩地插嘴道,十二點鐘!

“ miss bart remains here , “ his wife rejoined incisively 他妻子咬牙切齒地答道”巴特小姐留在這兒。 ”

She make a detour and rejoin us on the other side of the wood 她繞道在樹林的另一邊與我們重新會合。

Rejoined miss pross ; you were a bachelor in your cradle 普洛絲小姐回答, “你在搖籃里就打光棍呢! ”

Nagase all remaining squadrons , rejoin into attack formation 殘余部隊重整編隊,再次進入攻擊陣形。

I rejoined that the klan is a more lunatic splinter group 我回答說三k黨只不過是神經失常的一小撮。

“ gaspard caderousse , “ rejoined the priest “葛司柏卡德魯斯! ”

I ' m going to rejoin them after dinner 吃完晚飯后,我就會加入他們

You call maid service . i ' ve got to rejoin the human race 隨你的便,但我要回歸到現實生活中去