
rejoice vi.1.歡喜,高興;快樂,歡樂 (at; in; to...


. . . i want y ' aii to rejoice in the biessings from god 我想大家都來接受一下主的祝福

Rejoice not in iniquity , but rejoice in the truth 6不喜歡不義。只喜歡真理。

And they rejoiced and promised to give him money 5他們歡喜,就約定給他銀子。

I always rejoice in my comrades ' achievements 我總是為同志們的成就感到高興。

It was a day of some wild rejoicing , and a festival 那是一個瘋狂的喜慶日子。

Society should rejoice that greenery is in vogue 社會本應為環保之風盛行而欣喜。

They all rejoiced to hear the happy news 他們都很樂于聽到這個令人高興的消息。

He assumed office as president amid national rejoicing 他在舉國歡騰中就任總統。

Rejoicing in hope , patient in tribulation 從希望中得到歡樂,在苦難中保持堅韌。

I want y ' aii to rejoice in the biessings from god 我想大家都來接受一下主的祝福

He thought well of my poems , and i rejoiced in that 他賞識我的詩,很讓我高興。

You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of my enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings . 我這次外出探險,你總認為兇多吉少,現在獲悉我行程順利,未發生任何意外,你一定會感到喜出望外吧。

Then, suddenly, whilst i rejoiced in this splendid vigour of a new-found self, from far away there came the dreadful muttering noise . 就在我陶醉在這種嶄新的,生機蓬勃的自我之中時,突然遠處傳來了那可怕的,低沉的吼聲。

He found fresh reason to rejoice in what he had done for mr. ferrars, since eventually it promoted the interest of elinor . 他找到了新的理由得歡于他為弗納斯先生所作的效勞,因為這最終增進了埃莉諾的利益。

Amid great rejoicing the two were betrothed, not long afterwards a great and solemn wedding was held at the baron's castle . 他們倆在人們興高采烈的氣氛中訂了婚,不久在男爵的城堡里舉行了盛大莊重的婚禮。

News of the defeat of a king and the triumph of the people occasioned popular rejoicing and sometimes official holidays . 一個國王失敗的消息和人民勝利的消息總引起大眾的歡欣,而且有時成為官定的假期。

In such moments of precious, of invaluable misery, she rejoiced in tears of agony to be at cleveland . 在這種珍貴的時刻,她有了難得的發泄痛苦的機會,她熱淚盈眶,激動不已,竟因來到克利夫蘭而歡欣。

I thought, the poor fool, that i had found a good friend and helper, and i was rejoiced to see the ship . 我--可憐的傻小子--還以為找到了一個好朋友和好幫手呢,滿心高興地要去觀光一下船只。

They gaily ascended the downs, rejoicing in their own penetration at every glimpse of blue sky . 她們興高采烈地登上山岡,非常高興能仔細觀察湛藍的云彩的每一次隱約的閃現。