
rejection n.1.拋棄,排除,退回;廢棄。2.抵制;拒斥;拒絕;排...


Temperature control system based on auto - disturbance rejection controller 基于自抗擾控制器的溫度控制系統

Altogether mold rejection ratio : 80db 共模抑制比: 80db

Malcolm : make sure you can handle rejection . i can ' t 馬爾科姆:你要做好被拒絕的打算,反正我是接受不了。

A jamming rejection method for fh system based on adaptive antenna 基于自適應天線的跳頻系統干擾抑制方法

10 of course , america was built on a rejection of the past 當然,美國是在否定過去的基礎上建立起來的。

Relationship between editors ' qualities and rejection of manuscripts 淺析科技期刊編輯素養與退稿的關系

Chapter 3 introduces b - spline smoothed rejection sampling method 第3章提出了b樣條光滑拒絕抽樣方法。

Testing methods for endotoxin rejection of ultrafiltration modules 超濾組件細菌內毒素抑制性的測試方法

Peer acceptance and interpretation to peer rejection in adolescence 同伴接納與青少年對同伴拒絕的解釋

Technical standard of rejection limits for the firearms used for public affairs 公務用槍報廢技術規范

Successful prevention from acute rejection in human hand allograft 異體手移植急性排斥反應的成功預防

The rejection of this measure aroused the people to indignation 拒絕采取這一措施激起了人民的義憤。

Automatic disturbance rejection control for power plant ball mill 火電站球磨機制粉系統的自抗擾控制

T : “ you must never fear rejection . ” talk to me about that “永遠不要害怕被拒絕” ,說說這個吧。

The inhibitory effect of tlsfjm on rat cardiac allograft rejection 抑制大鼠心臟移植排斥反應的作用

Or the rejection of one ' s own family 還是被自己的家庭拒之門外

Her rejection of him seems to have made him go back into his shell 他遭她拒絕就更不愛吭聲了

Image rejection for bluetooth receiver 藍牙接收機中鏡像信號的抑制

On rorty ' s rejection of the foundationalism 論羅蒂對基礎主義的拒絕