
rejecter n.丟棄者;排除者;拒絕者;否決者;嘔吐者。


2 . rat orthotopic liver trarlsplantation was performed in the strong rejecter combination of bn ( rtl “ ) to lew ( rtl l ) . this al1ogenic rejection model was stable and the survival time without immunosuppression agents was less than three weeks ( the average survival time was l 6 . 6 i 2 . 5 days , n = 5 ) 建立了大鼠bn ( rt1 ~ n ) lew ( rt1 ~ l )原位肝移植同種異體排斥模型,該模博士學位論義基因轉移hu la個ig誘導大鼠移植肝免疫耐受的實驗研究中文摘要型排斥反應時間較為恒定,在不應用免疫抑制劑的情況下,生存期3周(平均生存時問人66士2

A noise figure improved l - band edfa based on hi - bi ( high birefringence ) fiber loop mirror as ase rejecter is presented for the first time 主要工作如下: 1 .首次提出了基于雙折射光纖環鏡優化l - bandedfa噪聲性能的方案。

With photoelectric counter on the counter - rejecter unit , the cartons will be delivered in batch as per registered 計數排出部設有電眼計數器,當每捆紙箱數量設定后,能連續自動排出整捆之紙箱。