
rejectamenta n.〔拉丁語〕 〔pl.〕1.垃圾,廢物。2.(被沖到岸...


These methods include transportation management , storage management , the logistics package and workstation implement , the deposition of rejectamenta and the elaborate manufacturing logistics in dcac , etc . in the aspect of internal logistics management , dcac arranges pretty well and has very high productivity 該公司在建廠的初期就引進了雪鐵龍公司先進的物流管理方法,包括運輸管理、倉儲管理、物流包裝和工位安排、廢棄物的處理,準時化生產等。在企業內部物流管理上,安排合理,生產效率較高,處于國內領先水平。

Then , main projects and synthetic techniques of ecological agriculture construction are discussed . the results indicate that main projects include fertile soil project , water conservancy , forestation and virescence project , agricultural structure adjustment project , agriculture industrialization project , integrated use of agriculture rejectamenta project , high quality and innoxious farm produce project , livestock breeding project , sight - seeing agriculture project , etc . the suited techniques include ecology location scheme technique , agriculture rejectamenta use technique , energy source regeneration technique , sewage biologic depuration technique , innoxious farm produce technique , soil fertility increase technique , ecological control technique of plant disease and insect pests , economizing water technique of dry farming , agriculture environment reconstruction technique , etc . lastly the study brings forward the countermeasure and advice of ecological agriculture development 根據我國生態農業建設成功經驗和濟南市目前生態農業建設基礎,提出濟南市生態農業建設重點工程為沃土工程、農田水利工程、造林綠化工程、農業結構調整工程、農業產業化工程、農業廢棄物綜合利用工程、優質和無公害農產品工程、養殖工程、觀光農業工程等;生態農業建設的關鍵技術為生態位配置技術、農業廢棄物資源化綠色技術、能源再生技術、污水生物凈化利用技術、無公害農產品技術、地力持續培肥利用技術、農作物病蟲草害生態控制技術、旱作農業高效節水技術及農業生態環境綜合整治技術等。

Recycled concrete is one of new type concrete that mixed with recycled aggregate at a certain proportion after cleaning , crushing , grading wasted concrete . it is helpful in dealing with rejectamenta of concrete and a bad influence on environment because of castoff 再生混凝土是將廢棄混凝土經過清洗、破碎、分級和按一定比例相互配合后得到的“再生骨料”作為部分或全部骨料配制的混凝土。

5 environmental - protecting the rejectamenta can be recycled and no contaminated 綠色環保:廢棄物可回收沒有污染