
reject vt.(opp. accept)1.拒絕,抵制;不受理,...


He rejected the religion of his forebears, leaving his own parents heartbroken . 他放棄了祖宗的宗教,使他的雙親非常傷心。

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of the building . 一塊曾被建筑師嫌棄的石頭竟成了基石。

Mrs. wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain . 威爾遜太太不屑地把眉毛一揚,否定了這句恭維話。

I hope you will not on that account reject what evidence i place before you . 我希望你不要因此而拒絕我向你提供的證據。

We always reject zero as an eigenfunction on the ground of physics . 根據物理上的理由,我們總是剔除把零作為本征函數。

They hope to combat the problem of one set of cells rejecting the other . 他們希望能夠突破異體細胞互相排斥的難關。

I rejected the visit out of hand and without checking with nixon . 我當場拒絕同意這次訪問,而且沒有同尼克松商量。

The second root is rejected since it shows that bmax is less than bmin . 舍去第二個根,因為它表示Bmax小于Bmin。

If the believer rejects it, he becomes to that extent a heretic . 如果信徒拋棄它,在某種程度上就變成了異教徒。

Because he works very carefully , he has not produced a reject in the last six years . 所以連續六年不出廢品。

Rejecting vice admiral halsey to his face was an unhealthy undertaking . 當面回絕海爾賽海軍中將的做法不太好。

It rejects all dogmatic and speculative assertions in philosophy . 它擯棄哲學中一切教條的和純理論的主張。

I tried to join the army but was rejected because of poor health . 我想參軍,但因身體不好而碰了一鼻子灰。

The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest . 整體主義者反對漸進方法,認為它太溫和。

Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control . 我們進行質量檢驗時,有缺陷的產品均予剔除。

I should be the last to reject such a loud statement . 我是決不想反駁這樣一個振振有詞的聲明的。

The proposal was rejected . 提案被否決了。

The graft will be rejected . 移植物將被排斥。

The youth rejected admonition and held to his demand . 青年不聽勸告,仍然堅持自己的要求。