
reiteration n.反復;重復;重申;〔主英〕【印刷】反面印刷。


The function of verbs in the formation of cohesive devices in english is important and unique , which is mainly embodied in the cohesive devices of co - classification and co - extension , including substitution and ellipsis ( co - classification ) , which belong to grammatical devices , and reiteration and collocation ( either co - classification or co - extension ) , which belong to lexical devices 摘要動詞在構成英語的銜接機制中所起的作用是重要而獨特的,主要表現在同類性和同延性銜接關系中,包括屬于語法手段的“替代” 、 “省略” (同類關系)和屬于詞匯手段的“同現” 、 “復現” (同類或同延關系)等。

Taking an extract from the best seller “ the thorn bird “ by the australian author colleen mccullough , this paper gives an account of the cohesive function that reiteration plays in organizing text , and attempts to make an analysis and correction of the mistakes due to either negligence or ignorance of this facet of language in the translated version 以澳大利亞女作家科林.麥卡洛的著名暢銷小說《荊棘鳥》的片段及其譯文為例,闡述詞匯復現的跨句銜接功能,并對譯文在此方面出現的錯誤進行分析和修正。

I have been prohibited from publishing papers at the aps journals since 1981 , despite a documentation of about one hundred submissions , all rejections made with a reiteration of vacuous sentences , the known technique being that of suppressing unwanted advances by tiring the author 自1981年以來,禁止我在美國物理學會aps的刊物上發表論文,在拒絕我大約100篇論文的文件證據之外,對我的論文的所有的拒絕均不斷重復類似的空洞文句,采用事先抑制他們不歡迎的稿件從而拖垮作者的眾所周知的手法。

By the means of ruleless arrangement , unique arrangement or inerratic reiteration , suture can form various patterns , which trace primarily intends to oversew three layers of materials hard , and prevent movements of fillings such as spray - glue cotton , wool , plume and so on . on the other hand , the trace can impress the sense of three - dimension and make it panoplied 絎縫是利用縫線在物料上組合成無規則排列和獨立的或者是有規則排列重復的各種圖形的軌跡,這些圖案不只是為了牢固地縫住三層物料,防止填充料移動,還可以增強縫制品的立體感,提高其裝飾功能。

Traditionary mechanistic limited by specialized subject , is confined as a private action . a designer working on the condition of stand - alone or lonely user , even in a design group , can not able to share his design works . the requests of different specialitis are different , which makes reiteration of design project and wastes time and manpower 并行工程的協同效應使得各部門協調工作,能夠對眾多方案進行即使準確的評價,以達到最優方案,能使在不同地區的設計、制造人員和企業,在不同的計算機上分工協作、共同高效的完成一個復雜的問題。

Around the central issue of how raise the chain building materials supermarket management , with the marketing management , the serve marketing theory etc . as guide , regard improving the marketing management of the building materials supermarket of the chain as the starting point , surrounded in the center of how structure with modern chain building materials supermarket characteristic management system of marketing , analyzed the insufficient that the building materials supermarket of the chain existed during marketing management at present . base on the consumption habit of the local consumer , regional actual conditions , and combine with my working experi ence in that firm , i have carried on the deep investigations , adopted the demonstration and reiteration method , have systematically studied the relation of the inner marketing , the serve marketing strategy , 4p ' s marketing tactics , the strategy of corporate image , the customer satisfied , enterprise profit ability existed direct relevant relation in the building materials supermarket of the chain and propose a competitiveness model against chain building materials supermarket . , thus proposes some feasibility suggestions in improving the marketing management and the key competitiveness of the building materials supermarket 筆者圍繞著如何提高連鎖建材超市的營銷管理工作這一中心問題,以營銷管理學,服務市場營銷學等理論作為指導,以提高連鎖建材超市的營銷管理工作為出發點,圍繞著如何構建具有現代連鎖建材超市特點的營銷管理體系為中心,針對目前連鎖建材超市在營銷管理中存在的問題和不足,立足于歐倍德連鎖建材超市無錫店當地消費者的消費習慣,地區環境等實際情況并結合筆者在該單位工作的一些經驗和體會,進行了深入的調查研究,采用實證、規范相結合的方法,系統地研究了連鎖建材超市的內部營銷,服務營銷戰略, 4p營銷組合,企業形象戰略,顧客滿意,企業盈利能力之間存在的直接的相關關系,并提出了一個針對連鎖建材超市特點的競爭力模型,從而為改進連鎖建材超市的營銷管理,不斷提高連鎖建材超市的核心競爭力提出一些可行性建議。

The chapter reiterations refer to the double - initials , double - endings etc . characteristic of the ancient vernacular chinese novels , which have played an important function in forming the peculiar linguistic style of such novels 篇章上的疊架指的是古代白話小說特有的雙頭、雙尾結構,行文關鍵處再穿插韻文或反復吟味、或總結前文、或預示下文等等,這些語言與篇章結構上的特點對形成古代白話小說獨特的語言風格起了重要作用。

There are several reasons why the mass line must again be explained with great emphasis : first , the mass line is of fundamental importance in the party ' s organizational work and in the party constitution and therefore needs constant reiteration in party education 現在所以仍然需要加以著重說明,是因為:第一,群眾路線是我們黨的組織工作中的根本問題,是黨章中的根本問題,是需要在黨內反復進行教育的。

In this paper a two - step polishing process which combined with whole aperture pre - polishing with large flexible form tools and correction polishing with small - tools is proposed to polish aspheric surface with middle aperture and replace the reiteration polishing processes 論文針對中等口徑光學非球面,提出了一種結合彈性模全口徑拋光和小工具修正拋光的兩步研拋法,取代目前普遍使用的反復研拋過程。

Among them , the commonest are those caused by the mixture of classical chinese with colloquial vernaculars ; the second commonest reiterations are those of the remnants of ancient chinese words or styles and the new words or grammatical styles 其中,最為常見的當數文言成分與當時白話口語成分相糅合而造成的疊架;其次為古代漢語詞語或格式的遺留與新興的詞語或語法格式的疊架。

On the basis of the previous classification on lexical reiteration made by linguists , this paper tries to study these lexical devices : repetition , synonymy , antonym , general word , hyponymy , and metonymy 本文在綜合各種詞匯復現分類的基礎上,深入探討了重復、同義、反義、泛指詞、上下義、整體一部分、等詞匯復現方式,主要分析他們在語篇中的各種交際功能和文體功能。

The arab league ' s first offer came at the blood - soaked height of the second intifada ; its reiteration found both israeli and palestinian politics at new lows of divisiveness and desperation 阿盟一次提議是對血腥第二次巴勒斯坦人暴動的緩和,而重申則是因為巴以雙方政治都處于不和與絕望的新低。

In fact , lexical reiteration , the exterior form of cohesion in discourse , includes some implication of its writer ' s ( or speaker ' s ) communicative intention , and has a variety of expressive functions 詞匯在語篇中形式上的復現隱含著作者(或說話者)的交際意圖,具有豐富的表達功能。

There exist a great number of reiterations in the ancient vernacular chinese novels , such as those of phrases , sentences and chapters 摘要古代白話小說語言中存在著大量的疊架現象,有詞語疊架、句式疊架以及篇章疊架,它們在形式上、語義上猶如疊床架屋,層層堆疊。

Combining regulations of various main factors of style include : unification and variety , consecution and reiteration , contrast and harmony 各種要素的組合規律包括:統一與變化;條理與反復;對比與調和。

“ ii ) the new entity will bear a newer entity ; this reiteration will go on and until reaching their peculiar boiling point 新的存在意義會產生更新的意義,這個重復循環將會持續,直到達到他們詭異的臨界點。

Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion , and provides a basis for discourse coherence 摘要詞匯復現是詞匯銜接中的一個重要方面,為篇章的連貫提供了基礎。

Because of such a great deal of reiteration , designers have to deal with many unnecessary troubles 正是由于有了大量的反復工作,那么就給設計人員帶來了很多不便。

Technical consultant for the manufacture of big span prestressed concrete reiteration plate 5 .為大跨度預應力鋼筋混凝土疊合板生產技術咨詢。