
reiterate vt.反復,反復講;反復做;重申;重作。


Joseph yam reiterates no change on the linked exchange rate system , 24 october 2001 任志剛重申不會改變聯系匯率制度, 2001年10月24日

The last part reiterated the importance of the simplified procedure 第六部分結語再次重申了簡易程序在糾紛解決機制中的重要作用。

Bo reiterated chinese government ' s emphasis on product safety and food safety 薄熙來強調,中國政府十分重視產品質量和食品安全。

“ your company will have a very great deal to do , i fancy , “ he reiterated “你們的公司有很多事情要做哩,我想, ”他反復說道。

I ' ll be reiterating many of writing secure code ' s lessons throughout this book 在本書中,我將重復一些編寫程序代碼的課程。

And what a noise ! “ la faloise kept reiterating , for paris still astonished him 拉法盧瓦茲連連說道,巴黎還在使他驚訝哩。

Press release : joseph yam reiterates no change on the linked exchange rate system 新聞稿:任志剛重申不會改變聯系匯率制度

Scit reiterates government s firm commitment to combatting internet piracy 工商及科技局局長重申政府致力打擊網上侵權行為

Without reiterating the many references and tutorials on bpel see 由于沒有重復提及許多關于bpel的參考資料和教程(請參閱

“ i want to reiterate that we welcome all riders on our system . 我想重申一下,我們歡迎所有乘客使用我們的運輸系統。 ”

And that delegation reiterated china s commitment to the six - party talks 布什總統對中國推動會談的努力表示贊賞。

“ we will be reiterating exactly the same message on wednesday evening 同樣的信息我們要重復一次在星期三的晚上。

Talabani reiterated iraq ' s firm adherence to the one - china policy 塔拉巴尼反復強調伊拉克對一個中國政策的支持。

Rooney has also reiterated that his stamp on carvalho was not deliberate 魯尼也重申了他不是故意踩踏卡瓦略的。

Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plan to increase taxation 讓我再一次重申我們絕對沒有增稅的計劃。

But the two women had already got him by the arms and were reiterating 但是,兩個女人已經抓住他,連連說道:

Reiterating marx ' s economical humanism the idea course of marx economical value 馬克思經濟價值觀的心路歷程

The teacher reiterates that rule 老師重申了那條規則。

He keeps reiterating his innocence 他一再申明他無罪。