
reissue vt.,vi.再發出(證券、匯票等),再發行(書籍等);...


Mariah carey ' s hit comeback album “ the emancipation of mimi , “ reissued as a “ platinum edition “ with bonus tracks , jumped 11 places to no . 4 with sales of 185 , 000 copies 瑪麗亞?凱莉的回歸專輯《我心不羈》人氣頗旺,唱片公司趁勢推出“白金版“ ,內有附贈歌曲。 《我心不羈》上升了11位排在第四,本周銷量達到18 . 5萬張。

This sql server message indicates that the server network address cannot be reached or does not exist , and it suggests that you check the network address name and reissue the command 此sql server消息指示無法到達服務器網絡地址或該地址不存在,同時建議您檢查網絡地址名稱并重新發出命令。

Alternatively , two years ago hong kong international school bought back all its debentures and then reissued them at a higher price ? much as a company might when business is good 類似的,兩年前香港國際學校回籠所有的該校債券并以更高價格重新發行- - - -如同當業績好時一些公司的做法。

S : please take you ticket to our office before check - in . we ' ll reissue your ticket . anything else ? anybody to be notified or hotel reservations to be cancelled 銷售:那請您在辦理值機之前到我們的柜臺,我們會為您重新開具客票。需要我們幫您通知什么人?或者取消酒店預訂?

Please take you ticket to our office before check - in . we ' ll reissue your ticket . anything else ? anybody to be notified or hotel reservations to be cancelled 銷售:那請您在辦理值機之前到我們的柜臺,我們會為您重新開具客票。需要我們幫您通知什么人?或者取消酒店預訂?

Complaints from retailers immediately rolled in , and the album was withdrawn , reissued the following week with a new , mundane cover of a steamer trunk 也是在kaiserkellar , stu遇到了astrid ,一個學攝影的女孩。兩人很快墜入了情網,兩個月后就訂了婚。

2 found controlled copies are reissued via dcc , with the support of the temporary working instruction issued by authorized personnel or department 使用指定負責人或部門印發的臨時作業指導書,控版本則交由dcc (文控)正式印制及分發

For sin , kul , gen , bki , mzv packages , any amendment which involves reissue of air ticket , a rm10 per ticket will be charged 對于新加坡,吉隆坡,云頂,哥打京那巴魯姆魯旅游配套,如有牽涉到機位更改,須收取修改手續費每張10令吉。

Everything , from constructing a page result control , sending requests , and obtaining a page result cookie , to reissuing requests , is handled by 一切事情(從構造頁結果控件、發送請求和獲取頁結果cookie到重新發送請求)都由

If the application is for a replacement or reissued passport , you should fill in details of the previous hksar passport . 如該兒童申請換領護照或因遺失而補領護照,你應在此欄填寫該兒童的舊香港特別行政區護照的詳細資料。

Beijing jinjiang northern property management limited company reserves the rights on deciding whether or not to reissue or extend the discount card 北京錦江北方物業管理有限公司第一分公司保留是否重新續發優惠卡的權利。

If the application is for a replacement or reissued passport , you should fill in details of the previous hksar passport 如該兒童申請換領護照或因遺失而補領護照,你應在此欄填寫該兒童的舊香港特別行政區護照的詳細資料。

14th , raises the dog person to lose raises the dog registration certificate from to lose in 15th , reissues to the primary card institution application 十四、養犬人丟失養犬登記證自丟失15日內,到原發證機關申請補發。

If your application is for a replacement or reissued passport , you should fill in details of the previous hksar passport 如你申請換領護照或因遺失而補領護照,你應在此欄填寫舊香港特別行政區護照的詳細資料。

A ticket reissue fee og aud50 . 00 per person applies to all other international bookings in addition to any airline charges 機票重簽費每人50澳元,適用于所有其它國際機票,該費用不包含于一般的機票費用之中。

To restore automatic statistics recomputation , reissue update statistics without the norecompute option or run 若要恢復自動統計信息重新計算功能,可重新發出不使用norecompute選項的update statistics或執行

The original license issuing agency shall reissue a license upon verification of no harmful consequences after receiving the loss report 原發證機構收到掛失報告后,經核實無不良后果的,予以重新補發。

His company has reissued the book because , he says , manufacturers everywhere can still learn from henry ford 他說他的公司已再次發行了這本書,因為各地的制造商今天仍然可以向亨利?福特學習。

The airline ' s reissued shares were due to begin trading on the new york stock exchange on may 3rd 德爾塔重新發行的股票將于5月3日起開始在紐約證券交易所進行交易。