
reinvigorate vt.使恢復生氣,使再活躍,使恢復精神[體力],使重新振...


Therefore , the government of sichuan province should fully learn the importance of soft environment for reinvigorating sichuan province through resource development , renew view of point , perfect the relevant policy and system , build fine social atmosphere , provide culture environment for talents ' development , attract and keep talents by affection and foreground so as to form a strong support for sichuan economy great - leap - forward development 為此,政府應充分認識到構建實現人力資本強省“軟環境”的重要性,更新觀念,完善政策和體制,營造良好的社會學習氛圍,培育有利于人才成長的文化土壤,以事業和感情吸引人才和留住人才,為四川省經濟的跨越式發展提供強有力的人才支撐。

However , the u . s immediately realized that its dominant role in the asia - pacific area would be undermined without the u . s - japan alliance , while japan realized it couldn ’ t become a political major power without the acceptance and support of the u . s . in addition , the rise of china will influence the future development of the asia - pacific area ; the reinvigorating and enforcement of the u . s - japan alliance have more comprehensives meanings 但美國很快發現如果沒有日美同盟的存在,其在亞太地區的主導地位將受到嚴重的威脅;而日本想實現政治大國的目標,在一定時期里沒有美國的認可和幫助也是不可能的。另外,中國的崛起將可能造成亞太戰略格局發生變化,日美擔心其變化會影響到它們的既得利益,因而日美同盟的重新定義和加強也有未雨綢繆的意義。

After entering new phase and new century , the party central committee and the state council have carefully analyzed domestic and foreign situation , proposing the strategy of reinvigorating china through talents resource development . however , at present , the quantity , the structure and the quality of chinese talents are yet to meet the demand of economical and social development . the basic function of market on disposing talents resource is not given full play 長期以來受各種歷史階段的影響,中國對人才及配置人才資源的人才市場缺乏深刻的分析與研究,致使現階段中國人才的總量、結構和素質不能適應經濟社會發展的需要,市場配置人才資源的基礎性作用發揮不夠,人才流動的體制性障礙尚未消除,人盡其才的用人機制不夠完善。

Through the comparison research to three generation of leaders talented people value view , talented person quality view , the talented person manages view , we must set up the comprehensive talented person observes , persists the party tube talented person principle , vigorously advances the strategy of reinvigorating china through human resource development 摘要通過對三代領導人人才價值觀、人才素質觀、人才管理觀的比較研究,啟示我們必須樹立全面人才觀,堅持黨管人才原則,大力推進人才強國戰略。

She was too deeply materialized , poor woman , by her long and enforced bondage to that arithmetical demon profit - and - loss , to retain much curiosity for its own sake , and apart from possible lodgers pockets . nevertheless , the visit of angel clare to her well - paying tenants , mr and mrs d urberville , as she deemed them , was sufficiently exceptional in point of time and manner to reinvigorate the feminine proclivity which had been stifled down as useless save in its bearings on the letting trade 盡管如此,安琪爾克萊爾對她的兩個闊綽的房客德貝維爾先生和夫人她是這樣認為的的拜訪,從時間上和態度上看都很不尋常,這就引發了她的女人的好奇心,本來她一直抑制著這種女人的好奇心,因為她認為這種好奇心除了對出租業務發揮作用而外,是沒有用處的。

Article 1 this law is enacted in accordance with the constitution and the education law for the purposes of developing the cause of higher education , implementing the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education and promoting the building of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization 第一條為了發展高等教育事業,實施科教興國戰略,促進社會主義物質文明和精神文明建設,根據憲法和教育法,制定本法。

We will accelerate development of new - and high - technology industries , reinvigorate the equipment manufacturing industry , energetically develop renewable energy sources , systematically develop alternative energy sources and widely apply advanced technologies to upgrade traditional industries 要加快發展高新技術產業,振興裝備制造業,積極發展可再生能源,有序發展替代能源,廣泛應用先進技術改造提升傳統產業。

In the meantime , it may open a new avenue for china to reinvigorate trade with science and technology and combine technology , industry with trade , thus making new contributions to the optimization of china ' s export mix and sustainable development of foreign trade 同時,也將為我國科技興貿、技工貿相結合探索出一條新的路子,為優化出口商品結構,促進我國對外貿易的可持續發展作出新的貢獻。

Both sides pledged to reinvigorate efforts to combat the financing of terrorism and money laundering , including improving international cooperation and placing greater focus on financing mechanisms outside the mainstream financial system 會議發表的聯合聲明表示,兩國決心加強打擊恐怖主義融資和洗錢活動的力度。聯合聲明還強調促進國際合作,更多地注意主流金融系統以外的融資機制。

Mr abe , by contrast , has strengthened economic policymaking within the prime minister ' s office , and reinvigorated the key body of the early koizumi years , the council on economic and fiscal policy , stuffing it with reformists 相比之下,安倍在首相職權范圍內加強了經濟決策,恢復了純一郎早年關鍵部門也就是經濟和財政政策委員會的活力,這個部門現在被改革家們所占據。

For its part , the united states is wrestling with critical issues - the threat of global terrorism ; the best way to use american primacy ; and the challenge of reinvigorating the u . s . economy and stimulating global growth 而美國現在則正在對付一些重大問題:全球恐怖主義威脅、如何最好地發揮美國優勢地位,以及如何應對重振美國經濟和刺激全球經濟增長所帶來的挑戰。

Recognising those whose extraordinary efforts have made the university a better place , reinvigorates the nanyang spirit and the university ' s commitment to using its resources for the public good 校友和各界人士的支持及義舉,使南大成為更理想的學習場所,表揚校友及外界同好為南大額外付出的努力,將為南大精神注入新活力,實現大學優化資源作育英才以造福社會的承諾。

The film broke all box office records for hong kong , and reinvigorated jackie s career . taking a chance , american film company new line cinema bought the rights to distribute jackie s next film in the united states 在吳思遠袁和平的全力經營下,蛇形刁手,醉拳破繭而出,一新了功夫的潮流,破了硬崩崩的李小格式。

Winning ten and drawing one of their past 11 premiership matches reinvigorated the title race , but it might take a victory over the champions - elect to cause chelsea ' s players a little anxiety 過去的11場聯賽他們10勝1平讓聯賽的懸念重新回來,但是他們可以在冠軍爭奪戰中用一場勝利讓切爾西的球員們感到擔心。

To be more specific , strengthened economic ties with the mainland , greater emphasis on investment in human resources and a reinvigorated services sector will form the main thrusts of our economic revival 更明確地講,強化與內地的經濟關系,注重人才投資,加快服務業的提升,是振興香港經濟的主要內容。

Much of this spending will go toward reinvigorating infectious disease epidemiology , and this effort will improve our capacity both to detect new pathogens and to control infectious disease outbreaks 公共衛生經費大部分用來加強傳染病流行病學的研究,希望能更有效地偵測新的病原體和控制傳染病爆發。

Dc comics is bringing her back in july as a gay crime fighter , an effort to reinvigorate the franchise and bring some diversity to the storyline 然而今年7月, 《 dc喜劇》將賦予蝙蝠女俠一個與犯罪做斗爭的同性戀形象重回銀屏,并希望此舉可以為蝙蝠俠系列注入新的能量,并進一步豐富其故事情節。

At apec , we worked with our partners to pick up the pieces from the missed opportunity of the cancun wto ministerial and chart a way to reinvigorate the wto negotiations 在apec會議上,我們與我們的伴共同努力,重拾坎昆wto部長會議錯失的良機,為給wto談判重新注入活力開辟道路。

The discovery of an icy object slightly larger than pluto in the kuiper belt last year reinvigorated the argument over whether to demote pluto or add other planets 去年在柯伊柏帶發現了一顆比冥王星略大的天體,這引發了是給冥王星降級還是承認新發現的天體是大行星的爭論。