
reinvest vt.1.再投資于;重新投資于。2.再授與;再委任 (w...


Women use their earnings to educate their children and to improve their homes and communities she says , a similar male borrower , she say , s will reinvest only 60 cents , the idea for women ' s world banking came out of the first united nations conference on women , held in mexico city in 1975 女性用她們的收益去教育她們的孩子,改善她們的家庭和社會生活,她說一個情況相似的男性借款者用于再投資僅60分,成立世界婦女銀行的主意出自1975年墨西哥城舉行的第一屆聯合國世界婦女大會。

I see house price still can rise again , but either forever , after i estimate 8 years , house price is met somewhat fall after a rise , if you have a room to live now had better not reinvest estate , think to moment skill is very hard , have have spare cash if really , i see meaning you join green bank , gain is big , stable , it is the optimal option of a long - term investment 我看房價還會再升,但不是永遠的,我估計08年以后房價會有所回落,假如你現在有房住最好不要再投資房地產,到時候想出手都很難,有果有閑錢,我見意你投綠色銀行,利潤大,穩定,是一個長期投資的最佳選項

If foreign investors in foreign funded enterprises choose to reinvest the investment profits in the enterprise or other foreign funded enterprise s whose operational period lasts no less than five years , 40 % of paid income tax for the amount of reinvestment shall be refunded , after approval from the provincial taxation authorities ; for those directly invest to set up or enlarge the export - oriented enterprises or advanced technology oriented production enterprises , all the paid income tax for the amount of reinvestment shall be refunded 外商投資企業的外國投資者,從企業獲得的利潤直接再投資于該企業,或投資開辦其他外商投資企業,經營期不少于5年的,經省級稅務部門批準,退還其再投資部分已繳納所得稅的40 % ;直接投資開辦、擴建產品出口型或先進技術型生產企業,全部退還其再投資部分已繳納的企業所得稅

In view of the growing demands of the community , there would be difficulties in cutting expenditure . it is therefore important to ensure that public funds are used properly to provide the necessary services in a more efficient manner and at a reduced cost . we will reinvest every dollar of productivity gain in the delivery of public service 但為了應付社會日益殷切的需求,在削減開支方面有一定困難,所以必須確保公帑用得其所,以較低的成本、更有效率的方式,提供所需的服務,而省下的一分一毫,仍會用于公共服務。

Foreign investors of foreign investment enterprises who reinvest the profits gained from their enterprises in the original enterprises to add the registration capital or as capital for investment in other foreign - invested enterprises , with an operation period of no less than 5 years , upon application by investor and approval by tax authorities , shall be returned 40 % of the total income tax already paid for the reinvested portion 外國投資企業的外國投資者從企業取得的利潤直接再投資于該企業,增加注冊資本,或者做為資本投資開辦其它外商投資企業,經營期不少于5年的,經投資者申請,稅務機關批準,可退還其投資部分已繳納所得稅的40 %的稅款。

Since then , they have to reinvest part of their return to the fund for long term development as a self - financing and accountable business . the departure from the annual voted fund system allows hongkong post greater management flexibility for speedier response to changing market needs 《營運基金條例》規定香港郵政必需自負盈虧,而部分收益亦得放回基金之內作長遠發展之用;盡管如此,由于無需再倚賴政府按年撥款,因此營運更見靈活,對于市場時刻轉變的需求,亦能更快作出回應。

Accordingly , this needs you advertent when does this fund share out bonus , share out bonus in fund commonly when , fund company can issue announcement ahead of schedule , announce when to share out bonus , of bonus reinvest eliminating breath day is when , eliminating breath day is the time that bonus converts 因此,這就需要你留意該基金什么時候分紅,一般在基金分紅的時候,基金公司都會提前發布公告,公布什么時候分紅,紅利再投資的除息日是什么時間,除息日就是紅利轉投的時間。

In view of the growing demands of the community , there would be difficulties in cutting expenditure . it is therefore important to ensure that public funds are used properly to provide the necessary services in a more efficient manner and at a reduced cost . we will reinvest every dollar of productivity gain in the delivery of public service 但為了應付社會日益殷切的需求,在削減開支方面有一定困難,所以必須確保公帑用得其所,以較低的成本更有效率的方式,提供所需的服務,而省下的一分一毫,仍會用于公共服務。

Where domestic investors take part in the restructuring of the city ' s soe in the form of joint venture or cooperation and the soes invest in the form of transferred land use right , a proportion of 50 % - 100 % of the paid land transfer fund may be refunded to reinvest as state - owned assets 國內投資者以合資、合作形式參與改組本市國有企業,國有企業以劃撥土地使用權作價出資的,可按50 % - 100 %的比例返還所繳納的土地出讓金,作為國有資產再投入。

Thus , his intent was never to make a profit from the statues , and accordingly he always adviced to reinvest all income back in to the shop , to buy bigger and more beautiful statues , as well as dharma books and ritual implements intended to help practitioners with their practice and prayers 因此,他開店的目的不在于賺錢,他常鼓勵要將店里所賺到的錢投資在購買更大更精美的造像,或是佛典及佛具等等,以方便信徒實踐佛法及進行祈愿。

Where foreign investors take part in the restructuring of soe in the form of joint venture or cooperation and the chinese parties invest in the form of transferred land use right , a proportion of 50 % - 100 % of the paid land transfer fund may be refunded to reinvest as state - owned assets 外商以合資、合作形式參與改組國有企業,中方以劃撥土地使用權作價出資的,可按50 % - 100 %的比例返還所繳納的土地出讓金,作為國有資產再投入。

Foreign investors may reinvest their rmb profits in other enterprises within china which can generate new and additional foreign currency earnings , meanwhile they can enjoy the same preferential treatment as that of investment in foreign currencies 外商投資者可將其獲得的人民幣利潤投資于境內能夠創匯或新增加外匯收入的企業,除依法享受退還已繳納的部分所得稅的優惠外,并享受外匯投資的同等待遇。

In order to attract foreign investment and encourage enterprises in the coastal region to reinvest their profits in the western region , the government will give the region the same or even more favourable preferential policies and incentives than that of the coastal region 為吸引外商投資和鼓勵沿海地區的企業把利潤再投資在西部地區,國家給予西部地區與沿海一樣甚或比沿海更優惠的政策措施。

Families could invest as little as $ 3 to buy a kit that irrigated a 40 - square - meter kitchen garden , then reinvest some of the 300 percent annual return it generated to expand the system ' s coverage up to an acre or more 農家只要投資三美元,購買一套足以灌溉40平方公尺菜圃的組件,便可使年收益增加三倍;然后再將這些額外增加的年收益,拿出一部份來擴充系統,使灌溉面積增加到0 . 4公頃以上。

This higher sales productivity results in very attractive store - level economics , which , in turn , lets value players reinvest some of their surplus returns into even lower prices and , contrary to popular wisdom , more labor hours in the store 這種更高的銷售效率促成相當有吸引力的店級經濟學,而店級經濟學反過來使以低價為手段的商家把其盈余利潤再投入來形成更低的價格。

The foreign investors who reinvest to establish or enlarge product export enterprises or advanced technological enterprises shall be returned the total amount of income tax already paid for the reinvested portion 如果再投資興辦、擴建產品出口企業或者先進技術企業的,可全部退還其再投資部分已繳納的企業所得稅稅款。

The new industrial sector creates entrepreneurs who reinvest profits in diversifying their business and in doing so develop the sophistication of their output and their employees ' capabilities 新的工業行業創造出企業家,他們將利潤進行再投資,以分散其業務,并通過這種做法,提高其產出的先進程度及其員工的能力。

Women use their earnings to educate their children and to improve their homes and communities ( community ) she says . a similar male borrower , she says , will reinvest only sixty cents 她說婦女們用她們賺來的錢教育小孩、改善她們的家庭和社區。她說一個類似的男性借款者將六十美分用于再投資。

Other investors have also taken advantage of the “ carry trade ” , enabling them to borrow at low interest rates in yen and reinvest at higher rates overseas 其他投資者也利用了“套息交易” ,使他們能夠借入低息的日圓,再將其投資于高收益的海外資產。