
reinvent vt. 重新改變(自己的興趣、人生觀等)。reinven...

reinvent the wheel

It is a company that has never shied away from reinventing itself , as a more complete reading of its history demonstrates 更完整閱讀其歷史后可證明,這是一家從不逃避自我再造的公司。

Paper currency was reinvented in europe in the 17th and 18th centuries , as commercial and financial transactions expanded 17 、 18世紀期間,紙幣在歐洲再次出現,用于商業和金融交易。

It is a company that has never shied away from reinventing itself , as a more complete reading of its history demonstrates Ups公司從不畏縮于徹底改造自己,就像其歷史所證明的那樣。

Paper currency was reinvented in europe in the 17th and 18th centuries , as commercial and financial transactions expanded 17 18世紀期間,紙幣在歐洲再次出現,用于商業和金融交易。

Jane : i think what we have is fine . there is no need to spend time and money reinventing the wheel 我覺得我們現在有的就很好了。沒有必要花時間和錢去做重復性的工作。

Over the course of more than twenty years she has effortlessly reinvented her image on numerous occasions 在20多年的時間里,她在眾多場合中自如地改變著自身的形象。

With html , you re constantly reinventing the wheel each time you adjust your information architecture 使用html ,每次調整信息結構時,您總是在重新發明輪子。

To provide im support , we don t need to reinvent the wheel when developing ad - hoc solutions 為了提供im支持,我們不需要在開發特定解決方案時完全重新開始。

It may take a single memory or a string of memories to give you the courage to reinvent yourself 可能要你具有重塑自我的勇氣,需要一段或幾段連續的記憶。

The key to hong kong ' s success is its ability to reinvent itself in tune with the times 香港從開埠之初一條小小的漁村,進而發展成為繁盛的制造業中心。

Reinvented role of women in films and popularization of women films : two shifts in the recent women ' s film productions 論近期幾部女性電影的兩個轉向

Lewis made major strides last year toward reinventing the times as a national newspaper 去年取得了令人矚目的成績,他使紐約時報重新成為全國性報紙。

Like all frameworks , a primary motivation for the j2ee apis is “ don t reinvent the wheel . 像所有框架一樣, j2ee api的主要目的是“不重新發明輪子” 。

It takes care of many of the features of such protocols so that they don t need to be reinvented 它處理這種協議的許多功能,使得不必徹底改造它們。

A : it ' s the story of a cartoon - like superhero who was reinvented and based on the brain 答:這是一個以頭腦為基礎,被徹底改造過的動漫類超級英雄。

The imf was hoping to reinvent itself as the overseer of this grand macroeconomic bargain Imf曾期待將自己重新定位為這盛大宏觀經濟談判的監管人。

There are plenty of good systems already on the market , so let s not reinvent the wheel ! 市場上已經有不少好的程序,所以我們不必多此一舉啦。 ”

It ' s the story of a cartoon - like superhero who was reinvented and based on the brain 答:這是一個以頭腦為基礎,被徹底改造過的動漫類超級英雄。

If the transatlantic alliance did not already exist , it would probably have to be reinvented 即使跨大西洋聯盟不復存在,也很有可能重建一個。