
reintroduce vt.再介紹;再提出;再引入。


Now , astute observers may note that this does remove one of benefits of the business delegate pattern - the original pattern kept the client from having to use a factory in this case , the ejbhome to create an object the ejb reference , while we have reintroduced a factory into the mix 現在,機敏的觀察者可能注意到,這實際去掉了業務代表模式的一項優點- -原始的模型使客戶端不必使用工廠(在本例中為ejbhome )來創建對象( ejb引用) ,而我們又重新引入了一個工廠進來。

I m kate turkington , grappling with the meaning of life and meeting god . our guest tonight , the supreme master ching hai , has utmost faith in her calling and in the facts . she said that it s a fact that she can reintroduce people to god and show them to heaven .歡迎再收聽信不信由你節目,我是凱蒂特金敦,我們在探討生命的意義和接觸上帝,今晚接受訪問的貴賓是清海無上師,她對自己的使命有著非常大的信心,她表示她確實能使大家和上帝見面并看到天堂。

It was reintroduced in the 1980s and is now doing better than at any time over the past half century . there are now 7 , 000 large blues in ten areas . the adonis blue has had similar success , with a 63 per cent increase in numbers over the past decade and a 28 per cent increase on the 1970s 1979年,這種蝴蝶在英國消失人們在上世紀80年代重新將它引入英國如今這種蝴蝶的數量約達到7000只,分布在英國的10個地方,比過去半個世紀中任何時候都要多和廣。

The exercise aims to assess the cost - effectiveness of releasing smaller size green grouper fingerlings and see whether some rare and high - valued species such as high - finned grouper can be reintroduced into hong kong waters by restocking 這次試驗旨在評估放養較細小青斑魚苗的成本效益,以及在本港水域重新引入一些稀有及高價魚種如老鼠斑的可行性。

These two principles constituted the tension in classical painting , because the second reintroduced discourse ( affirmation exists only where there is speech ) into an art from which the linguistic element was rigorously excluded 因為這第二次的復述(確定性僅僅存在言語之中) ,進入了一種奇妙的藝術,它來自一個語言元素被嚴格排除在外的空間。

Some of the world ' s biggest brands are reintroducing themselves on the global stage - - using marketing campaigns with catch - all slogans to sell their products to a worldwide audience , irrespective of borders , culture or even religion 現在,一些全球知名大公司正在重新定位它們的形象,希望將自己的產品以一個統一的營銷口號在世界各地銷售。

The . net framework 2 . 0 reintroduces the edit and continue feature that enables a user who is debugging an application in visual studio to make changes to source code while executing in break mode . net framework 2 . 0重新引入了“編輯并繼續”功能,該功能使在visual studio中調試應用程序的用戶能夠在以中斷模式執行的同時更改源代碼。

Reintroducing marine fare to condors ' diets might create self - sustaining populations , the group suggests in the november 15 , 2005 , proceedings of the national academy of sciences usa 該研究小組發表于2005年11月15日《美國國家科學院學報》的論文指出:重新將海產引進禿鷹的飲食當中,可能有助于建立自給自足的禿鷹族群。

Even as sun continues its attempt to “ reintroduce the java desktop , “ one complaint keeps surfacing from java ui developers : it s far too difficult to create a complete custom look and feel 就在sun一如既往地試圖“再次引入java desktop ”之際, java ui開發人員的抱怨之詞亦已表面化:要創建完全定制的外觀實在太難。

Under protection and reintroduced to former habitats , the gray wolf puplation has come back . breeding programs at the yellow stone national park and elsewhere have been proved successful 在保護之下和重新引入以前的生活環境,灰狼的數量又回來了.在黃石國家公園的喂養程序和其他方面已經被證明是成功的了

Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re - educated and rehabilitated , using community service programs for instance , before being reintroduced to society 24犯罪者應以入獄等方式去懲罰他,還是以“再教育.再適當的方式“ ,如社區服務.活動.課程學科等,來引導他們再進入社會,你自己的看法?

Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re - educated and rehabilitated , using community service programs for instance , before being reintroduced to society 25犯罪者應以入獄等方式去懲罰他,還是以“再教育.再適應的方式“ ,如社區服務.活動.課程等,來引導他們再進入社會,你的看法?

Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re - educated and rehabilitated , using community service programs for i tance , before being reintroduced to society 25犯罪者應以入獄等方式去懲罰他,還是以“再教育.再適應的方式“ ,如社區服務.活動.課程等,來引導他們再進入社會,你的看法?

The opportunity that you raise the possibility is incorrect ! proposal , you a little put , be in next perfect plan , when the opportunity arrives when reintroduce . must not abandon 可能你提出的時機不對!建議,你稍微的放一下,然后在完善方案,等到時機到的時候再提出.千萬不要放棄

This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors 這也是一個重新介紹因為區域上的差異將原本是同質性生產者變成獨占性競爭者而造成獨占性競爭的機會。

Under a scheme to bring back the huge birds of prey , six were reintroduced to the wild and remote donegal hills in 2001 using chicks from scotland 根據一項復育這種大型獵禽的計畫,六只來自蘇格蘭的金雕雛鳥,于2001年被重新野放到愛爾蘭的野外與偏遠的多尼哥丘陵。

The launch of kermit ' s 50th anniversary tour is part of a campaign to reintroduce the muppet brand , which was created by the late jim henson and acquired by disney in april 2004 柯密特50周年全球環游活動能夠讓世界各地的人們對“布偶“品牌有更新的認識和了解。

This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors 這同時也是再提獨占市場的很好機會,因為區位上的差異足以讓單一生產者成為獨占市場。

The un has warned that global food inflation could trigger social unrest and force governments to reintroduce price controls to maintain stability 聯合國( un )警告稱,全球食品價格上漲可能會引發社會動蕩,并迫使政府重新采取價格控制措施,以保持穩定。