
reinterpret vt.再解釋〔尤指給…以不同的解釋〕。n.-ation


In the first way , the coordinate become operaotrs acting on a hilbert space , which provides for a respresentation space of the noncommutative space , on the other hand , starting with the standard commutative gauge theory action and then reinterpreting any products of fields appearing in terms of the moyal product 從而非對易空間的場量是算子的函數。另一方面,我們可以從普通空間的規范理論的作用量出發,然后用moyal星乘積來代替普通空間的規范理論中場量的普通乘積。從而給出非對易空間規范理論的作用量。

The gist of this dissertation is to reinterpret market and its operation with the aid of market process theory and the recent 30 years “ development of market failure theory , to probe into the theoretic foundation of micro - economic intervention , to provide an institutional foundation for it by applying new - institutional economics , evolutional economics and public choice theory , and to make analysis of some issues of micro - economic intervention in china ' s economic transition 本文的主旨就是在對政府經濟職能進行嚴格界分的基礎上,借助奧地利學派的市場過程理論和近30年來市場失靈理論的新發展來重新理解市場及其運作,探討政府硼經濟干預的理論基礎,運用新制度經濟學、菠進經濟學、公共邊觸論等為毗經濟干預提供一惻度鍘,并對中國經濟轉型翔間微觀經濟干預的若干問題進行分析。

This paper proposes to reinterpret the connotation of toyota ' s production fashion from the angle of the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the toyota mode and the japanese mode in general , so as to provide more inspiration for the study of such issues as the generation of production mode and the principle , universality and particularity of its evolvement , whether it can be imitated , and the relations between the industry ' s generality and the initiative of individual manufacturers 本文將從豐田生產方式與日本型生產方式的共通性和異質性的角度,重新剖析豐田生產方式的內涵,為研究生產方式生成及演變的機理、普遍性和特殊性、是否可以模仿,產業共性與個別企業自主努力的關系等問題提供啟示。

Starting from the scp canonical form of industrial organization theory as well as combining with practice of bond market development , this paper reinterprets connotative meanings of s , c and p , sets up the smp analyzing framework of investor structure ( s ) , market mode ( m ) , and market performance ( p ) for bond market . our study finds that , due to different preferences of institutional and individual 通過對投資者結構( s ) 、市場模式( m ) 、市場績效( p )所包含的內容、影響因素及相互關系的分析,研究發現,由于機構投資者和個人投資者對交易方式、清算方式和信息披露制度的要求(偏好)不同,兩者在投資者中的比例關系,即投資者結構決定了市場模式的選擇,并進而影響

Using the interpretation models , 162 wells in this area were reinterpreted using the models , the result of which shows the interpretation models based on different lithologies have higher accuracy and important significance in improving accuracy of conglomerate reservoir interpretation , further providing foundation for geologic modeling and remaining oil redevelopment 應用解釋模型對研究區162口井進行了二次解釋,結果表明,分巖性建立的解釋模型具有較高的精度,該方法對提高礫巖油藏儲層測井精細解釋的準確性具有實際意義,為進一步的地質建模和剩余油挖潛研究提供基礎。

In this paper , oil reservoir fine description has been applied , and by study of reservoir , structure and fluid features , fluid units have been divided and new geology models have been rebuilt . then logging data have been reinterpreted and reprocessed and numerical modeling results have been used . on base of these work , the residual oil distribution feature and regulation in the fluvial facies sandstone in gudao oil field south region has been scientifically studied 本文主要運用油藏精細描述技術,通過儲層、構造、流體研究,劃分出流體流動單元,重建新的地質模型,在此基礎上對測井資料進行了重新解釋和處理,并運用數值模擬研究結果,對孤島油田南區河流相砂巖油藏剩余油分布特征和分布規律進行了科學研究。

Rather than taking some 7 , 000 years to colonize europe from africa , the reinterpreted data shows the process may only have taken 5 , 000 years , scientist paul mellars from cambridge university said in the science journal nature on wednesday . “ the same chronological pattern points to a substantially shorter period of chronological and demographic overlap between the earliest . modern humans and the last survivors of the preceding neanderthal populations , “ he wrote 據路透社2月23日報道,來自劍橋大學的科學家保羅米拉斯在最新一期的英國自然雜志上指出,用放射性碳測定年代的一項最新數據表明,人類祖先從非洲進入歐洲后,僅花費了5000年的時間就取代了歐洲早期居民尼安德特人,而不是傳統的理論所認為7000年。

The governmental responsibility has always been debating in the public administration field , with the development of the new public service theory , the governmental responsibility is reinterpreted , and the multiformity of social structure leads to the diversity and complexity of the governmental responsibility 摘要政府責任一直是公共行政領域中探討的問題,新公共服務理論的興起,政府責任重新得到詮釋,社會結構的多元化引導了政府責任的多樣性和復雜性。

In the process of reinterpreting the relation between literature and social life , cultural studies in china has been off the orbit in some fundamental aspects which include the partial understanding of aestheticization , the blind worshipping of images , and the false recognition of real life 在重新理解文學與社會生活關系的過程中,文化研究在一些基本問題上出現偏差,具體表現為對審美化的片面理解,對影像魅力的盲目崇拜以及對現實生活的誤認等。

The proper way to treat “ classics “ is to reinterpret them according to the transformations of human society and the requirements of cultural progress , and discover the value differences of various texts on the basis of insightful observations 對作為人類文化遺產的一個重要組成部分的“經典” ,恰當且較為有益的做法是根據人類社會的變遷和文化進步的要求重新加以詮釋,井在富于洞察力的詮釋基礎上區分出不同“文本”的價值差異,以此來決定增減。

It ' s the researcher ' s analysis , through discussing some controvertible topics like mass media discourses , family educational principle , religion , and cultural adaptation , the author reinterpret them with post - modernist theory , in order to gain new understanding 這一部分是研究者的分析,主要通過對幾個領域里頗有爭議的話題進行后現代式的深入解讀,包括媒體話語解構、家庭的教育法則、宗教的后現代認識、 “文化適應”邏輯的再認識。

Therefore , it is of great significance - both in practice and in theory to tidy and reinterpret the theories of mcluhan with the current situation of new media ( which is represented by network ) “ s challenging the traditional media and the traditional theories of communication 因此,在以網絡為代表的新媒介正在挑戰傳統媒介及傳統傳播學理論的今天,對麥克盧漢的理論進行重新梳理和解讀,倍顯出新的意義? ?理論的和現實的創新意義。

From the point of view of acoustics , this paper analyses the status and the timbre vices appearing currently in various interior public space , responding to which the objects and measures of timbre design are suggested and reinterpreted by two examples 該文擬從聲學角度出發,分析目前各類室內公共空間聲環境存在的問題,提出相應的聲環境設計目標和改善措施,并結合具體工程實例來進一步闡釋和說明。

The basic approaches of obtaining tacit knowledge and realizing teacher specialization include : to reinterpret connotation of “ knowledge “ , reflect their own teaching practice , use narrative strategy of education properly , and build learning community 重新詮釋“知識”的內涵、反思自身的教育實踐行為、正確運用教育敘事策略、建立學習共同體,是教師建構默會知識,實現專業成長的基本途徑。

In chapter 2 , we studies the theoretic framework of industrial organization theory , in which the scp of banking industry has been reinterpreted . integrating the study of banking industry into industrial organization expands the scope of industrial organization 第二章“銀行產業組織理論概述”研究產業組織理論的基本內涵、研究范疇,系統地論述了產業組織的基本理論和發展脈絡。

1 . through reinterpreting the rationale of the strapdown inertial navigation in terms of dual quaternion algebra , we obtain three dual quaternion kinematic equations that take the same forms as the conventional attitude quaternion rate equation 1 .運用對偶四元數代數重新詮釋捷聯式慣性導航的基本原理,得到了三個對偶四元數運動學方程,其形式均與姿態四元數微分方程一致。

Reporter : mr tung , in 1999 , when the standing committee of the npc reinterpreted the judgments of the court of final appeal on the right of abode issue , that was perceived as a last resort , that the npcsc became involved in hong kong s legal matters 記者:董先生,你剛才說香港再次釋法,可能擔心?民的情緒,其實你的評估是怎樣,是否可能會憂慮再次有五十萬人上街?

Feminism provides translation study with a new perspective , reinterprets some key concepts in traditional translation theory from the perspective of gender study , and put forward its own translation theory 摘要女性主義為翻譯研究提供了一個新視角,從性別研究的角度對傳統翻譯理論中的某些重要概念進行了重新闡釋,并提出了自己獨到的見解。

A university is expected to have a scientific and relative stable identify during a given period . “ benchmarking “ in tandem with “ management “ offer a new approach to reinterpreting the university identity “標桿管理”為重新詮釋大學辦學定位提供了一種全新的視角,通過先“標桿”后“管理”的方法可以準確地找到大學在某一階段的辦學定位。