
reintegrate vt.使重新完整,恢復;重建,復興;再統一,再團結。n....


The case report date collection was participate observation and team case conference , and applied the nursing process by the team work to alleviate pain , nausea , vomiting , and integrated the family and social support to mitigate depressive mood , reintegrated her life and self forgiving 本個案報告以參與觀察與個案討論會議等方式收集資料,應用護理過程,藉由團隊合作方式去改善病患疼痛、惡心與嘔吐,集成其家庭與社會支持系統緩和沮喪情緒,以及重整生命與自我和解的過程。

As a theoretical framework , restorative justice is quite different from the traditional criminal justice system . restorative justice views the crime as a violation of the people , the victim , the community and the offender himself are harmed by the crime ; the crime brings obligation and responsibility , the offender should pay for the loss of the victim and the community , the community should take the responsibility for the corrected offender to be reintegrated into the community ; the victim , the community and the community are all the parties , they take part in the restorative procedure and collectively decide how to deal with the problem of the crime 與傳統的刑事司法理念不同,恢復性司法將犯罪看作是一種人對人的侵犯,被害人、社區和犯罪人都在犯罪過程中受到傷害;犯罪行為引起了義務和責任,犯罪人應當賠償被害人和社區的損失,社區承擔將改造后的犯罪人重新整合的責任;被害人、犯罪人和社區都是利害關系人,他們一起參與恢復性司法程序,共同決定對犯罪問題的處理。

If the discovery of psychoanalysis really is to have reintegrated into science an entire objectifiable field of man to have shown its supremacy , and if this field is the field of sense , why seek the genesis of this discovery outside the meanings that its inventor encountered within himself along the path leading him to it 假如精神分析學的發現,真的是要將人的客體化領域重新并入科學,并且表現其優越性,假如這個領域是屬于意義的領域,那麼這門科學發現的源頭,不就是在創始者在尋找意義的沿途,內心所碰觸到的意義里面?

The principle of communication between peoples “ relationship is also changed , which leads to changes taking place in gross - rooted organizations . that is to say , the whole local community life has been reintegrated now because of the emerging of the primary market 具體地說,交通條件的改善和初級市場的形成,使村民實現了由農民向工商戶的轉變,這種轉變相應地改變了村民傳統的“日出而作,日落而息”的生活方式以及他們的價值觀念。

The creative methods of importing the abc cost theory and the petri analysis can disassemble the logistics system , reintegrate its parts , and evaluate the reconstruction of the airport logistics by the information technology 本文創新性的引入abc成本法和petri分析的方法,將物流系統分解,對各環節整合,試對機場信息化對機場物流系統的重構作出評估。

While funding is limited , the government funds programs operated by an ngo to reintegrate trafficked women into their local communities and relieve the stigma attached to trafficking victims 盡管經費有限,但中國政府仍資助由一個非政府組織開展的項目,幫助遭受過販運的婦女重新融入原社區的生活,洗清販運受害者蒙受的恥辱。

To avoid this , melchior wants mothers properly “ reintegrated “ into society , a society that respects their worth and which supplements their mothering rather than supplanting it 為了避免這種情況,梅爾基奧爾希望母親們適當地“重新融入”社會,融入一個尊重其價值、并且輔助而不是替代其育兒職能的社會之中。

The plaintiffs had argued that the government failed to rescue them immediately after the war , and did not help them reintegrate into japanese society once they returned in the 1970s 訴訟人表示,政府在戰爭結束之后沒有及時把他們救出,在他們1970年代返回日本之后也沒有幫助他們重新融入社會。

We will seek a swift end to international sanctions , and support an international reconstruction program to help iraq achieve real prosperity and reintegrate into the global community 我們將尋求迅速結束國際制裁,支持國際重建計劃,幫助伊拉克實現真正的繁榮,并重新融入國際社會。

Therefore , we need to innovate the whole system of job market , reintegrating the resources and the interests of all groups , which is fundamental for the decrease of the employment risk 為此,要進行制度創新,重新整合資源和各方利益,這是降低就業風險的根本。

It will deal with it , though , as a problem , rather than reintegrating it into the unproblematic sector of everyday life 我的常識性知識會將它是為問題來處理,而不是將它重新整合進日常生活中沒有問題的部分。

“ pengasih helps reintegrate former addicts into society . this helps them and builds up so that they remain drug - free . 本納賽幫助戒毒犯重返社會,這個可以幫助他們重新站起來,也讓他們不再碰毒品。

The items returned , and you reintegrated them into your product , but now what 這些內容返回了,并且您將它們重新集成到了產品中,現在該做什么?