
reinsurance n.再保險,轉保險;分保;再保險金額。


Swiss re has been in the reinsurance business since its foundation in zurich , switzerland , in 1863 自一八六三年于瑞士蘇黎世創立以來,瑞士再一直從事再保險業務。

In scale reinsurance , can divide again to become several reinsurance and excessive forehead reinsurance 在比例再保險中,又可以分為成數再保險和溢額再保險。

The results are of important realistic significance to the steady operation of reinsurance companies 所得結論對再保險公司穩健地經營具有重要的現實意義。

Article 3 the present standards shall apply to the reinsurance contracts issued and held by insurers 第三條本準則適用于保險人簽發、持有的再保險合同。

Extension of optimal control model for proportional reinsurance with dividend and borrowing process 帶有分紅和借貸過程的比例再保險最佳控制模型之推廣

Press release : the hong kong mortgage corporation limited signing of mortgage reinsurance agreement 新聞稿:香港按揭證券有限公司簽署按揭再保險總保單

The company signed the master mortgage reinsurance policy with asia insurance limited 按揭證券公司與亞洲保險有限公司簽署按揭再保險總保單。

Provides insurance solutions for shipping , cargo and yachts , including freight and hull reinsurance -提供退休金保險及投資管理服務。

The economic benefits related to the reinsurance contract can be measured reliably (三)與再保險合同相關的收入能夠可靠地計量。

Extension of optimal control of proportional reinsurance model with dividend process 帶有分紅過程的比例再保險最佳控制模型之推廣

Agreement on reinsurance 分保協議

The hong kong mortgage corporation limited signing of mortgage reinsurance agreement 香港按揭證券有限公司簽署按揭再保險總保單

Contract of reinsurance 再保險合約

In this regard , the office is closely monitoring the reinsurance market developments 因此,本處現正監察再保險市場的發展。

Agreement of reinsurance 再保險協議

First interest reinsurance 優先再保險

Net reinsurance premium 再保險保費凈額

Finite risk reinsurance 有限風險再保險

On the reasons that germany refused to renew the reinsurance treaty with russia in 論1890年德國拒絕續訂再保險條約的原因