
reinforcement n.1.增強,加固;補強物,強化物;補給品。2.增援,支...


Reinforcement - specifications for woven fabrics - designation 加筋.機織物規范.標識

The reinforcement of the company management to the suppliers 加強企業對供應商的管理

Steel wire and wire products - hose reinforcement wire 鋼絲和鋼絲制品.軟管加筋鋼絲

Takeda ' s reinforcement won ' t be there on time 武田那邊的援軍恐怕難以如期趕到

Reflection on bridge detection and reinforcement nowadays 現行橋梁檢測與加固的反思

Construction technology of reinforcement concrete chimney 鋼筋混凝土煙囪施工

Welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete 鋼筋混凝土用鋼筋焊接網

Caesar has no hope of reinforcement until spring 愷撒在春天前都無法得到援軍

Reinforcement products - determination of moisture content 增強產品.水分含量的測定

Reinforcement yarns . determination of linear density 增強紗線.線性密度的測定

Standard specification for masonry joint reinforcement 砌體接縫配筋的標準規范

Steel wire and wire products - hose reinforcement wire 鋼絲和鋼絲制品.軟管加筋線

I submit that we engage and delay until reinforcements arrive 我主張固守待援

Reinforcements composites and textile solutions 玻璃增強纖維及復合材料和紡織產品

The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory 援軍的到來保證了我們的勝利。

Numerical analysis of reinforcement for deep foundation pit 深基坑支護的數值分析

The troops at the front sent back for reinforcements 前線的軍隊向后方要求增援。

Prior knowledge based reinforcement learning system 基于先驗知識的強化學習系統

Reinforcement yarns . determination of moisture content 增強紗線.濕度含量的測定