
reinforce vt.1. 增兵,增援。2.增強,加固,補強;補充,增加...


Unbonded elastic wire resistance type reinforced concrete meter 差動電阻式鋼筋計

Specification for design of reinforced concrete pile caps 鋼筋混凝土承臺設計規程

On durability of corroded reinforced concrete 銹蝕鋼筋混凝土結構耐久性研究現狀

Reinforcing building basement by using spiral spraying pile 旋噴樁加固樓房地基

We will use metal strap to reinforce the outside 我們會在紙箱外用金屬帶加固。

Reinforcing bar conjunction technique with rolling screw thread 滾壓直螺紋連接

Reinforce time management of product r & d projects 加強產品研發項目時間管理。

Volcanic silicates fiber reinforced multi - layer board 火山硅酸鹽纖維增強多層板

Control over cracks of basement reinforced concrete 鋼筋混凝土質量通病防治措施

Our defences must be reinforced against attack 我們必須加強防御設施以抵御進攻。

Linen fibres - reinforced composites and their applications 麻纖維復合材料及其應用

Steel products for reinforced concrete - reinforcements 鋼筋混凝土用鋼產品.鋼筋

Specification for reinforced plastic mortar sewer pipe 增強塑料砂漿排污水管規范

We will use metal straps to reinforce the outside 我們會在紙箱外用金屬帶加固。

He felt so reinforced in his beliefs . . 他從自己的信仰中感到的激勵實在太強了. .

A study on flake reinforced friction brake materials 片狀增強制動摩擦材料的研究

The ripples reinforce each other in geometric progression 波紋將以幾何級數增長

We hoped the enemy would conclude that we were making another, unusually ambitious attempt to reinforce malta, which had been in dire straits for months . 我們揣想敵人將認為我們試行另一次重大企圖以增援馬爾他,該島數月來始終處于可怕之苦境中。

Part ii requires part i for its foundation, but part i becomes strengthened through a study of part ii, each part reinforcing the other . 第二部分需要第一部分作為它的基礎,而通過第二部分的學習又使第一部分得到鞏固,兩部分相互補益。