
reindeer n.(pl. reindeer , reindeers)...


The driver got off the school bus to survey the damage right after hitting a reindeer 校車司機在撞上馴鹿之后,立刻下車察看損傷的狀況。

Their traditional livelihood revolves around reindeer , which number about 200 , 000 in finland 他們傳統的生計是靠芬蘭國內的大約20萬只馴鹿。

There is a post office , a church and a blacksmith shop , to repair the shoes of the reindeer 那兒有郵局、教堂和專為修理馴鹿鞋子的鐵匠鋪。

When she ' s having nightmares about two santas and a reindeer named lefty 當她因為兩個圣誕老人和叫“左撇子”的馴鹿而做惡夢時

What about the reindeer 巡鹿怎么樣了

A reindeer in training 還在受訓練的馴鹿

Leave my reindeer alone 不要碰我的馴鹿

Look ! there is a reindeer 看!那有只馴鹿。

Any reindeer in the park 公園里面有馴鹿了嗎?

Reindeer have branched antlers 馴鹿有帶叉的角。

Who ? the reindeer ? standing up 誰?巡鹿?站著睡覺

And carrots for the reindeer 還有給馴鹿的胡蘿卜

Heiper why don ' t you warm up the reindeer and bring the sied around 助手,干嘛不去照顧馴鹿,把雪橇帶過來?

Stay away from my lead reindeer 不要碰我的領頭馴鹿

No , no reindeer . sleigh bells 沒有-雪橇的痕跡呢?

Reindeer can be harnessed to sleighs and driven for a tour of the area 馴鹿可以套在雪橇上并在區間奔跑。

Any of several large reindeer native to northern north america 北美馴鹿原產于北美洲北部的一種巨大的馴鹿

The reindeer is also used to haul things from place to place 還要用來把東西從一個地方運送到另一個地方

For christmas , i tied wool reindeer horns to my dog ' s head 圣誕節的時候,我曾把絨制鹿角綁在我狗的頭上