
reincarnation n.再具肉體;化身,再生;再投胎;再體現。


At the same time she gave man a new purpose of living based on indian concepts of karma and reincarnation 同時,她基于印度的羯磨和再生觀念賦予人類新的生活目的。

Humanity lives in a world based upon decay , illness , aging and death , and reincarnation 人類就生活在這樣一個基于衰退、生病、老化和死亡,以及轉世再生的世界里。

If you believe in reincarnation , some psychics can also tell you what you past life was about 如果你相信輪? ,一些通靈者也可以告訴你關于你上輩子的事情。

Kyabje zong rinpoche was the first lama to recognize tsem tulku rinpoche as a reincarnation of gaden 宋仁波切是第一位認證詹仁波切為甘丹高僧轉世的喇嘛。

As members of the family of light , the reincarnation experience of yourself includes nonhuman forms 作為光家族成員,你們自己的化身經驗包括非人類形態。

Such life form was not restricted by reincarnation but rather stepped in and out of form at will 此類全意識生命形態沒有再生的限制,而能隨意進出身體。

Jonah : dad , i was talking to jessica about reincarnation . she said you knew annie in another life 喬:爸爸,我和杰茜卡談了來世。她說你前世熟悉安妮。

Psychiatrist brian weiss is perhaps the most exotic . he champions reincarnation therapy 心理醫生布賴恩.韋斯可能是最特異的一位,他提倡輪回治療法。

Reincarnation of the living buddhas be determined through the method of drawing lot from the golden urn 規定了轉世靈童的“金瓶掣簽”制度。

Before her reincarnation , kum - choi meets with yit - dan and agree to meet again 18 years from now . . . . . 采在還陽前現身與旦約定18年后再見. .

Q : master , why does christianity as a whole tend not to believe in reincarnation 問:師父,請問為什么基督教整體而言不太相信輪回?

Reincarnation is a concept that perceives an evolution of the soul on a physical plane 再生的概念是指知覺靈魂在物質層面上的進化。

M : do you want to know about ghosts or do you want to know about reincarnation 答:你想知道有關于鬼魂方面,還是輪回投胎方面?

Do you want to know about ghosts or do you want to know about reincarnation 你想知道有關于鬼魂方面,還是輪回投胎方面?

They do not only believe in afterlife , but thousands of reincarnations as well 不僅是來世,甚至會認為有千百次的輪回。

The reincarnation of bett . . 女對女1250

In the end he and those close to the work came to accept reincarnation 最后他和參與此項工作的人逐漸接受了再生觀念。

At the age of three he was recognized as the reincarnation of the lawudo lama 他三歲時即被認證為拉沃朵喇嘛的轉世。

Ok , what about reincarnation 好,那投胎呢?