
reincarnate vt.1.再賦與新的肉體。2.使化身,使轉生。adj.再...


After a short period , that varies greatly between individuals , we cast off other lower aspects of our constitution and the reincarnating self begins a long period of merciful , earned , rest before the next birth 經過一個短暫的時期? ?長短因人而異,我們拋棄我們結構中其他較低的部分,再生的自我在再次投生之前有一段漫長的休息期。

Master , if a person is initiated , and he practices a little but then he gives up , then a few years later he dies , is it possible for him to reincarnate back into this world or do you just take him up 師父,如果一個人印心之后,只修行一點點就放棄了,數年后他便往生了,請問他是否可能再輪回到這個世界?或您會帶他上去?

Through strange and provocative dreams , jack sees himself reincarnated as meng yi , a general who fell for the first emperors beautiful consort ok soo kim hee seon some two thousand years ago 夢寐以求的玉漱公主,活生生的出現在jack眼前!守候了數千年的玉漱,終于等到了,信守承諾的蒙毅將軍成分飾回來找她

There are some who never left heaven , that s for sure , some masters . some left heaven to come here to teach us . some have also reincarnated many times and became a master 有些明師從未離開過天堂,而有些離開天堂,來到這里教導我們,也有些人輪回多次后,成為明師,但有的明師從未離開過天父的宮殿。

Those who can see the inner light , have they just come from heaven or have they just been reincarnated recently ? those who can t see the inner light , have they been reincarnated for a very long time 或是那些看得到光的人是剛從天國下來或才剛開始輪回,而那些看不到內在光的人輪回比較久?

There are two kinds of karma . one is “ store karma “ that is accumulated lifetime after lifetime and makes us reincarnate , but it is erased by the master when we are initiated 業障有兩種,一種是儲存的業障,是我們生生世世累積而來的,讓我們不斷生死輪回,但在印心時,師父已為我們清除。

Tone up own expertise ; establish the dignity of expertise . draw the ideal portrait of education quality which will reincarnate professional and vigorous teachers , and heroic and creative students 提升專業自主,確立專業尊嚴,營造專業活力教師,豪氣創意學生的教育品質理想圖像

Actually , they are both reincarnated . there are many ways a soul can be reincarnated , not necessarily in this world and not necessarily in a physical or human body 不過實際上,這兩種都是輪回,靈魂輪回的方式有很多種,不一定要在這個世界,也不一定要在物質型態的身體或人身里。

However , if in order to love someone , no matter how good or beautiful that person may be , we have to keep on reincarnating in this bitter sea of suffering , then it is not worth it at all 如果為了一個人,不管他多好、多美,而生生世世輪回,沈淪苦海的話,是太不值得。

It is so clear that there is no need to be superstitious ; there is no need to refer to buddhism or the law of cause and effect by which one reincarnates into different species 這是很簡單的道理,不必說是什么迷信,也不用講佛教或因果的法律,才能引證說人會轉生成各種動物。

Nly when we are in this human form can we go beyond the three worlds and be liberated from the cycle of life and death , into which countless kinds of sentient beings reincarnate 這個輪圈輪來輪去,里面有八萬四千種類的眾生,只有百千萬劫才能來做人一世,有時候還不一定。

However , if in order to love someone , no matter how good or beautiful that person may be , we have to keep on reincarnating in this bitter sea of suffering , then it is not worth it at all 如果為了一個人,不管他多好多美,而生生世世輪回,沈淪苦海的話,是太不值得。

“ i hope i get reincarnated as a tube of toothpaste so i ' ll never have to see you again , now get your wife - beating juice and get the hell out of here . 翻譯:我希望我能投胎成一條牙膏,這樣我就不用再看到你了! (指著啤酒)現在提起那堆讓你打老婆的果汁然后滾出我的店!

The three higher planes of this constitution form the “ higher self “ and that is what reincarnates from life to life and accumulates the experience , the lessons , the virtues 這個結構的上三個層面構成了“更高自我” ,它由一生再生到另一生,并積累經驗、功課、美德。

A ) that ' s why the reincarnation , why it reincarnates ; that it may have the opportunity . can the will of man continue to defy its maker 答:這就是為什么有轉世,為什么它去轉世; (通過轉世)靈魂可以有機會(改善) 。人的意志可以持續地否認他的締造者么?

Pop star nicolas tse and eason chan star in this horror comedy . low - level chinese opera actress chi wan faye died 70 years ago , and was reincarnated b . . 戲班二打六路初八見到鬼魂化身紅燈籠,對他死纏不放,初八發覺它并沒有惡意,而且還助他邂逅了

Because there is so much karmic debt , such debt can never be paid off in one lifetime , causing the souls involved to reincarnate again and again 由于債務是如此之多,它們永不可能在一生中就被償清,所以導致所涉及的靈魂一次又一次轉世。

It is set thousands of years after the original snow white story , when the princess has reincarnated into a young woman , played by natalie portman 影片設置在幾千年后白雪公主故事中的皇后轉世成為一個年輕的女人,由娜塔麗?波特曼飾演。

She was a “ reincarnate level 145 , “ having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling , flaming scales 她如今是“轉生145級” ,歷經艱險戴上了王冠,她的坐騎是一條渾身閃著火光的龍。