
reimburse vt.償還,付還,賠還,賠償,補償。n.-ment


All banking charges outside korea and reimbursing charges are for account of beneficiary 所有韓國以外的費用及償付行費用由受益人承擔。

I already paid for the seats , and i don ' t get reimbursed unless you ' re on the flight 我已經付了機票錢如果你們不上飛機,我是無法報銷的

Collect income and redemption proceeds from borrowers and reimburse the proceeds to lenders 向借方收取費用和贖回款項,以及向貸方付款

Reimbursed at cost 按價補償

Please reimburse yourselves to debit our account with bank new york branch 為了償付信用證的議付款,請到00銀行紐約分行開立帳戶

Reimburses the actual medical expenses due to an accidental injury or sickness 賠償因罹患疾病或意外事故,而導致的實際醫藥費用。

H amount reimbursed 8發還款項金額

Students who book meals with their courses will be reimbursed at the institute 如果預訂了膳食,學院將把膳食費退還給您。

If refunds are authorized , no other costs or expenses will be reimbursed 允許退還票款時,其他費用或支出均由購票人自理。

According to the regulations , sir , youll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid 您應該補償銀行付的那筆款了

Reimburse the actual medical expenses due to an injury or sickness 賠償因罹患疾病或意外事故而導致的實際醫藥費用。

E no . of reimbursed courses 5已獲批準發還款項課程

- maybe he wants to reimburse us for those ads . - you ' d like that -沒準他是想替我們把廣告費給墊了-你想的美!

Maybe he wants to reimburse us for those ads . - you ' d like that 沒準他是想替我們把廣告費給墊了-你想的美!

We will reimburse the cost to you 我們將償還你費用。

Shit , can ' t even get reimbursed 媽的,一點兒都不劃算

. . . tell him that i will reimburse him if he buys your ticket . . .告訴他如果是他給你買的票,我會把錢給他

Tell him that i will reimburse him if he buys your ticket .告訴他如果是他給你買的票,我會把錢給他

The course fees will be reimbursed to successful applicants 華助會將退還課程學費給成功的申請者。