
reign n.1.(帝王等的)統治,支配;朝代,在位時代;統治權,...


For some singular reason, an impression seemed to reign among the servants generally that missis would not be particularly disobliged by delay . 說也奇怪,仆人中似乎普遍有一種印象:覺得耽誤一點時間,主母也決不會見怪。

My conversation with the shah illustrated the basis of the iranian american relationship during his reign . 我同伊朗國王的談話說明伊朗和美國的關系在國王執政期間是建立在什么基礎上的。

It is quite sound theologically, my lord. but the king will hardly care, provided he reign . 從神學觀點說,這是無懈可擊的,閣下。不過,只要國王掌權的話,恐怕對此是不會在乎的。

Nevertheless brian's reign is of unique importance, both as ending and beginning a period . 作為整個歷史時期的起訖,布里安的統治無論如何是具有無與倫比的重要意義的。

The reign of pluto, which spreads beneath our burning fields, seems rent with unseen commotion . 普路同在我們熾熱的大地下面的權勢似乎被看不見的混亂粉碎了。

He felt reasonably sure that her vanity would not allow her free reign to public utterances . 他很有理由相信,她的虛榮心決不會讓她放縱到公開宣揚的程度。

His eyes were bent fixedly before him, and throughout his whole countenance there reigned a stony rigidity . 他兩眼低垂,一動不動地盯著前面,面容僵直。

During the reign of the white terror , many progressives fell victim to the secret police . 在白色恐怖時期,許多進步人士成為秘密警察的受害者。

The sky was dark , stars were twinkling high above , night was reigning , everything was sunk in silken silence . 天很黑,星很繁,夜闌人靜。

The reign of queen elizabeth (from 1558 to 1603) lapped over into the seventeenth century . 伊麗莎白王朝(自1558年到1603年)延至十七世紀。

They thought the devil had helped me, they said, that i had reigned so long . 她們說,她們都以為魔鬼幫助了我,所以我才能夠神氣了這么些年。

In fact, all reigns make a joyous entry; but this is only a delusion . 事實上,一切統治開始之時都比較開明,但這只是一種假象而已。

We wish for the reign of law and freedom among nations and within nations . 我們所盼望的是法治,是各國之間和各國內部的自由。

He was like a lunatic reigning in a madhouse over an imaginary kingdom . 他好似一個在瘋人院里統治著一個想象王國的精神病人。

And the steamboats, though their reign was longer, were ephemeral craft . 汽船的時代雖然比較長些,還是一種朝不保夕的工具。

As the reign of elizabeth proceeded the religious atmosphere heightened . 伊麗莎白的統治年復一年,宗教緊張氣氛與日俱增。

The steamboats, though their reign was longer, were ephemeral craft . 汽船的時代雖然比較長,仍是一種難保長久的水上工具。

I will make you my queen, and together we will reign over my kingdom . 我要讓你做我的王后,我們一起來治理我的王國。

He must go and pay his respect to the king who reigned in that part of the country . 他必須拜見統治那個地方的國王。