
reify vt.(-fied, -fying) 【哲學】使(抽象的...


In this model , the information sub - model reveals some abstract facets in general systems , which can be reified by means of reflection , the representation sub - model decides how to represent the meta - information , while the controlling sub - model consists of some key elements to manipulate meta - level system , such as : meta - object protocol declaration , meta - object association and management 其中,信息子模型指示出系統中可以通過反省揭示的抽象內容;表示子模型處理元信息的表達問題;控制子模型則包括元對象協議聲明、元對象關聯和管理等操縱元級系統的重要方法。

A dynamic hierarchical description method for workflow is presented . the method provides a dynamic hierarchical way to define a workflow with non - determinate or dynamic factors . with this method , the main process defined at build - time can be reified and extended by the principle of the sub - organizations at either the build - time or the run - time . to ensure the consistency and integrity of the description , a series of constraint rules are also discussed to realize seamless integration between a decomposed process and its original one . this approach supports the description of unpredictable uncertainties , the dynamic hierarchy of business process , and the dynamic modification of enterprise organizations , and all of these improve the flexibility and extendability of workflow management systems dramatically 為支持流程中不確定性因素和動態因素的描述,提出了柔性工作流的動態層次描述方法,使得流程設計人員在流程定義階段定義的主流程可以在任意時刻由子組織的負責人進行細化和擴充.為保證動態層次描述的正確性和完整性,討論了動態層次描述的一系列約束規則,確保分解后的流程與原有流程實現無縫銜接.該描述方法支持對不可預知的非確定性因素的描述,支持業務流程的動態層次描述以及組織機構的變化,極大地增加了工作流管理系統的柔性和可擴展性

“ finally , identity itself ( the total self , if one prefers ) may be reified , both one ' s own and that of others . 最后,不管是自己的或別人的認同,認同本身(或整體自我)也會具體化。