
reid n.里德〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Senate minority leader harry reid and house minority leader nancy pelosi have also joined in calling reported details of key scenes false and misleading 兩院少數黨領袖也形容該劇的一些關鍵情節是虛假的和具有誤導性的。

British home secretary john reid said monday that the team of nine officers will interview witnesses who spoke to litvinenko before he died 英國內政大臣里德星期一說,這9名警官將約談在利特維年科死前和他交談過的證人。

Senator reid could bring the bill to the senate floor again as early as the end of next week , after senators complete energy legislation 參議員r會在下周末參議院完成能源議案的工作之后,盡快將該法案提上議程重新討論。

Mrs pelosi has promised to do so in another bill later this year , as has harry reid , the senate majority leader 佩洛西已保證她將在本年稍晚時候的另一項法案里如此行事,參議院多數黨領袖哈里?里德同樣也做出了上述保證。

British home secretary john reid said monday that the team of nine officers will interview witne es who oke to litvinenko before he died 英國內政大臣里德星期一說,這9名警官將約談在利特維年科死前和他交談過的證人。

Senator reid could bring the bill to the senate floor again as early as the end of next week , after senators complete energy legislation 參議員r將會在下周盡早地提交給參議院這個法案,在參議員們完成能源立案后。

Senator reid could bring the bill to the senate floor again as early as the end of next week , after senators complete energy legislation 在議員們完成能源立法后,參議員里德最早可能在下周將此項法案提上議程。

She married 1998 ironman triathlon world champion , peter reid , a union that the media has dubbed the “ world s fittest couple “ 此年,她更下嫁1998年世界鐵人錦標賽冠軍的彼得?瑞德,結合了世界最健康的夫婦。

Senator reid could bring the bill to the senate floor again as early as the end of next week , after senators complete energy legislation 參議院r ,最早在下周,議員們完成能源法案之后再次向議會提交該法案。

Senator reid could bring the bill to the senate floor again as early as the end of next week , after senators complete energy legislation 參議員r可能在下周就會把法案再次題上議程,在議員們完成能源法后。

Senate majority leader harry reid says the president should not expect a rubber stamp for the request 美國參議院多數黨領袖哈利雷德表示,總統不應對不經審查就批準其撥款要求抱有任何希望。

Preliminary analysis the breeding strategy in china south - west hill areas to the improved reid and 78599 maize germplasm came from america 和78599玉米種質在西南山區玉米育種利用的策略

Harry reid , the senate ' s new majority leader , took over with less fanfare but a similar commitment to action 參議院新任多數黨領袖哈里?里德,接任時雖然有所收斂,但也是信誓旦旦。

Men were awfully kind to constance reid or to lady chatterley ; but not to her womb they weren t kind 男人們對于康妮小姐或查太萊男爵夫人都是十分主藹的,但是對于她的性卻不然了。

In 1969 she became the reid professor of constitutional law at trinity college and was a senator for some twenty years 1969年出任三一學院憲法學教授并任參議員達二十年之久。

Gilbert reid was a renowned and active missionary in chinese soiciety stage during the late qing and early republic 摘要李佳白是活躍在清末民初中國社會舞臺上的著名傳教士。

Senate majority leader harry reid says the president should not expect a rubber stamp for the request 眾議院領導人(參議院多數黨領導人)哈里稱不會再輕易批準總統的請求。

Senate majority leader harry reid says the president should not expect a rubber stamp for the request 參議員權利黨派領導哈利.里的表示總統不應對此項申請懷抱希望。

Liquid fuels . determination of the reid vapour pressure of petroleum and its derivatives by the micro method 液體燃料.用微量法測定石油和其衍生物雷德蒸氣壓力