
reichstag n.〔德語〕(舊德意志帝國)國會;(舊德意志共和國)國民...


Established in 1967 , architect lord norman foster ' s major buildings include the hong kong and shanghai bank in hong kong , chek lap kok airport , the sackler galleries at the royal academy in london , stansted airport , the new german parliament at the reichstag , berlin , the ai faisaliah complex in riyadh , and the great court of the british museum in london 這位享譽世界的當代建筑大師,曾設計過無數一流的建筑設計作品,除了之前提過的香港及上海匯豐銀行、及赤臘角機場外,其他的世界級建筑還包括倫敦皇家學院的沙克畫廊、倫敦斯坦斯特機場、柏林國會大廈(改建) 、及大英博物館等。

It ' s built for a growing berlin , a city on the move . “ the station ' s translucent tubular roof , made up of 9 , 117 glass panels , rises above the rest of the government quarter and its 46 metre - high 151 ft twin towers are about 10 metres higher than the reichstag parliament and chancellery 由于造價高工期長,該火車站的建設長期以來飽受批評,但不可否認的是,這座建筑必將以其出色的設計和施工,成為柏林市“最吸引眼球”的建筑之一。

The same researchers provoked outrage five years ago after discovering traces of cocaine in the toilets of the reichstag parliamentary building in berlin . the findings appear to mirror a recent study in britain , which claimed that 2kg of the drug end up in the river thames every day 其實,同一批科研人員早在5年前的一項發現就曾經引起過軒然大波,當時他們在位于德國首都柏林的國會大廈洗手間內找到了少量的可卡因。

The reichstag , the seat of the german parliament , is one of berlin ' s most historical landmarks . before unification , it was right next to the berlin wall 國會大廈作為德國國會所在地是柏林最具歷史意義的地標建筑之一。在(德國)統一之前,它就位于柏林墻的旁邊。

List of reichstag participants 政權參與者列表1792

Early in this strange twilight period, he delivered his “outstretched hand“ peace speech to the reichstag . 這段微妙、晦暗的時期剛剛開始,他就向德國國會作了“伸出和平之手”的演說。