
reich n.〔德語〕帝國,國;德國,(德意志)帝國。 the F...


Reich [ 2 ] proved the ergodic theorems to nonexpansive semigroups in hilbert spaces . takahashi and zhang [ 3 ] , tan and xu [ 4 ] extended baillon ' s theorem to asymptotically nonexpansive and asymptotically nonexpansive type semigroups in hilbert spaces . recently , reich [ 6 ] , bruck [ 5 ] , oka [ 7 ] gave the ergodic convergence theorems for nonexpansive , asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and semigroups in uniformly convex banach spaces with frechet differentiable norm . li and ma [ 13 ] obtained the ergodic convergence theorems for general commutative asymptotically nonexpansive type topological semigroups in reflexive banach space , which is a great breakthrough Baillon [ 1 ]首先在hilbert空間的非空凸閉子集上給出了非擴張映照的弱遍歷收斂定理。 baillon的定理引起了很多數學家的興趣, reich [ 2 ]在hilbert空間中證明了非擴張半群的遍歷收斂定理。 takahashi和zhang [ 3 ] , tan和xu [ 4 ]分別將baillon的定理推廣到漸近非擴張半群及漸近非擴張型半群。

The unfinished military school , designed by nazi architect albert speer , was meant to become part of germania , the huge capital of the 1 , 000 - year reich . hitler laid the foundation stone in 1937 and it was almost 80 per cent complete when the escalation in fighting forced building to be halted 這所未完成的軍校由納粹建筑師阿爾伯特?斯皮爾設計, 1937年由希特勒親自舉行奠基儀式,建筑工程在完成了約80時,逐步升級的戰爭迫使它終止了建設。

“ when president bush talks about ceo pay , you know that it ' s moving to the top of the national agenda , ” says robert reich , professor of public policy at the university of california at berkeley and former secretary of labor under president clinton 曾任克林頓政府勞工部長、現加州大學伯克利分校公眾政策教授羅伯特?萊克認為: “當布什總統也開始談論首席執行長的收入時,表明這個問題已進入了全國關注的最高議程。 ”

In the heart of berlin , near the reichstag and brandenburg gate , berlin ' s newest and most powerful reminder of the final solution will ensure that no jews murdered by the third reich are forgotten 大屠殺紀念碑群位于柏林市中心,與德國聯邦議院和勃蘭登堡門近在咫尺,這座紀念納粹滅絕猶太人歷史的最新且最具影響力的建筑物將銘記每一位被德國納粹屠殺的猶太人。

For five decades adolf hitler s gold nazi party membership badge lay in a special room in the depths of the lubyanka , the headquarters of the federal security service , along with other trophies from the third reich 英國一知名媒體日前透露說,希特勒生前佩戴的金質納粹黨徽在俄羅斯不翼而飛,而此前一直負責保管這枚徽章的俄羅斯聯邦安全局則否認了這個說法。

Reich , leonard . “ research , patents , and the struggle to control radio : a study of big business and the uses of industrial research . “ business history review , v . 51 , summer 1977 , 208 - 235 調查、專利和控制信息之困:大公司研究與工業調查的作用, 《工業歷史評論》 1977年夏第51期208 - 235頁

Thousands of german towns and cities made hitler an honorary citizen during the third reich and many formally revoked the title when his regime collapsed after his suicide in 1945 希特勒曾經數次在那里度過夏日假期。而按照庫克拉的說法,他是在1932年8月15日時被授予榮譽市民稱號的。

Critics of the long - debated project say the memorial should be for all victims of the third reich , not only jews . but the designer disagrees 一些批評家認為,該紀念碑群應當為被納粹屠殺的所有死難者建立,而不只是其中的猶太人。但設計師并不同意這種看法。

( heifetz , ronald , and riley sinder . “ managing the public ' s problem solving . “ chap . 8 in the power of public ideas . edited by reich , 1988 羅納德?黑菲茨、瑞雷?信德爾: “公共問題的解決之道” , 《公共觀念的力量》 ,瑞克主編,第8章, 1988年版。

To camouflage the operation from the public , the program was given the code name “ war program for waterways and reich railways , berlin section “ 為了瞞過眾人的耳目,這項計劃的代號是“柏林段航道戰時營造計劃” 。

( linsky , martin . “ the media & public deliberation . “ chap . 9 in the power of public ideas . edited by reich , 1988 馬丁?林斯基: “大眾傳媒與公眾協商” , 《公共觀念的力量》 ,瑞克主編,第9章, 1988年版。

Reich dl , silvay g . ketamine . an update on the first twenty five years of clinical experience . can j anaesth 1989 , 36 : 186 白勇,倪東妹,楊拔賢.氯胺酮-異丙酚靜脈復合麻醉.中華麻醉學雜志1996 , 16 : 295

( kelman , steven . “ why public ideas matter . “ chap . 2 in the power of public ideas . edited by reich , 1988 史蒂文?凱爾曼: “為什么公共觀念至關重要” , 《公共觀念的力量》 ,瑞克主編, 1988年版,第2章。

It is a scientific structure that we use , and in this way reich s breathing technique differs from others in this area 我們使用的是一些以科學結構為本的呼吸技巧,而這正是與其他技巧不同的地方。

Reich found that in all of us , we have rings of tensions in our bodies , in our musculature , which he called armoring 發現我們每一個人在身體上及肌肉上都有繃緊的張力,他稱此為武裝。

The twin bar emblem on the front of the sidecar was used as a divisional symbol by “ das reich ” during battle of kursk 摩托車側兜上的雙豎條標志是該師在庫爾斯克戰役時使用的。

( heymann , philip p . chap . 4 in how government expresses public ideas . edited by reich , 1988 菲利普? p ?海曼斯: 《政府如何表達公共觀念》 ,瑞克主編,第4章, 1988年版。

One day goering deeply offended morell by addressing him as “ herr reich injection master . 有一天,戈林把莫雷爾稱作“德國注射大師先生, ”刻薄地奚落了他一頓。

The “ tour “ starts above ground with images of the old reich ' s chancellery and winter garden “虛擬之旅”開始于地面之上老德國總理府和冬園的圖景。