
rehouse vt.給…提供新房子,給…安排新房子。


I firmly believe that the ura will work closely with the housing authority and housing society to ensure that affected tenants will be properly rehoused 我們深信市區重建局將會與房屋委員會及房屋協會通力合作,令受重建影響的租戶能夠獲得妥善安置。

Immediately after the announcement of the commencement date the authority will conduct a freezing survey to determine rehousing eligibility and ex - gratia payments 在公布開始實施的日期后,市建局會立刻進行凍結人口調查,以便就上述事項作出決定。

The housing society could also be involved in some of the target areas projects in conjunction with their proposed role to provide rehousing flats for the ura 房屋協會亦可以同時替市區重建局安排安置單位,一并參與若干目標區的重建工作。

During the consultation , the public supported the idea that the housing authority and the housing society should act as rehousing agents for the ura 諮詢期間,公眾表示支持由房屋協會及房屋委員會替市區重建局代理安置工作。

It is therefore more appropriate to reserve the rehousing land requirement in the context of the overall public housing development programme 長遠而言,較適當的做法是在整體公營房屋發展計劃下,預留所需安置用地。

The ura should fully assess the social impact of a proposed project and the social and rehousing needs of the residents affected 市建局應全面評估建議項目所引起的社會影響,以及受影響居民的社區連系和安置需要。

The housing department will rehouse the affected occupants according to their eligibility and in step with the buildings department s clearances 房屋署會配合屋宇署的執法行動,按照資格安置受影響的居民。

The study proposes to invite the housing authority and the hong kong housing society to be the rehousing agents for the ura 這項研究建議邀請房屋委員會與香港房屋協會,為市區重建局擔任安置代理的角色。

Rehousing tenants affected by tsuen wan “ seven streets “ redevelopment project kennedy town “ five streets “ redevelopment project 荃灣“七街“重建計劃及堅尼地城“五街“重建計劃的受影響租戶的安置事宜

Whether rehousing assistance will be offered to villagers in fishermen villages whose houses are in a dilapidated state or have collapsed 會否為漁民村內居所失修或倒塌的居民提供安置協助?

To reserve the rehousing sites as proposed in the study to meet the first 5 - year rehousing demand for ura projects 為應付市區重建局首五年的重建計劃,應及早預留這項研究所建議的安置用地。

To invite the housing authority and the housing society to provide the rehousing flats for the ura projects 要求房屋委員會及房屋協會考慮提供市區重建局進行重建計劃時所需的安置單位。

Forgoing land premia for ura redevelopment sites and rehousing land ; exemption of gic facilities from plot ratio calculation 豁免政府團體社區設施所占樓面面積納入計算地積比率

Secondly , the ldc had insufficient rehousing resources to accommodate tenants affected by its redevelopment projects 其次,土發公司并無足夠的資源,安置受重建影響的住宅租戶。

Housing subcommittee on rehousing arrangements for residents affected by clearance of squatter areas 房屋事務委員會受清拆影響的寮屋區居民的安置安排小組委員會

“ secondly , the ura will have more rehousing resources at its disposal to accommodate affected tenants 第二:市建局有更大的房屋資源安置受影響的居民。

“ secondly , the ura will have more rehousing resources at its disposal to accommodate affected tenants 第二:市建局有更大的房屋資源安置受影響的居民。

Rehousing arrangements for single and two - person elderly households in the diamond hill squatter area 有關鉆石山寮屋區獨居及二人合住長者戶的安置問題

To identify rehousing sites and other implementation issues to facilitate urban renewal ; and 鑒定安置用地及其他實施問題,以協助展開市區重建工作;