
rehearsal n.1.背誦。2.(經驗等的)詳述,復述。3.(音樂演出...


I had panic attacks during rehearsal 彩排的時候我有過多次的恐慌。

[ larry and alan are watching the rehearsal 賴瑞和阿倫正在看彩排。

Festival opening performance : legend of yao ji rehearsal 中國傳奇開幕節目瑤姬傳奇彩排花絮

I ' m off to rehearsal again , see you in hong kong 我要離開準備彩排了,期待在香港見到你們!

You didn ' t come to our rehearsal dinner 你沒有參加我們的結婚預演晚宴

What ' s this all about ? i ' ve heard of wedding rehearsals , 你們這是干嘛呢?我只聽過平裝彩排,

Don ' t forget , there ' s a rehearsal dinner in . . . 別忘了,婚宴排演在. .

The play rehearsal is on at 4pm today 今天下面四點鐘那個劇目要彩排。

Hey , missed you at the rehearsal dinner 嗨,婚宴排演的時候我很想你呢

The whole cast broke off for coffee in the middle of rehearsal 全體演員在排練休息時喝咖啡

Maybe we ' ll see you at the rehearsal dinner 也許我們會在預演晚宴見面

Nothing kills rehearsal dinner like a long speeches 沒有比冗長的演講更能破壞彩排晚宴的了

But not on three hours ' rehearsal a day 但是一天只排練三個小時可不行

You missed rehearsal this morning . [ groans ] carla , please 今早的排練你沒來卡拉,求你

Just in rehearsals . mami was really sick 在排練時唱過.媽咪真的很傷心

Is this the real furniture or the rehearsal furniture 這是真實的家具還是排練用的家具?

Tomorrow ? you mean after the rehearsal dinner 明天,你的意思是彩排以后

I thought it would be perfect for the rehearsal dinner 我想穿這個參加預演晚會就太棒了

I ' m so glad we are having this rehearsal dinner , you know 我很高興我們能有這個彩排晚宴