
rehash vt.1.重新剁碎(肉等)。2.(特指利用舊文學材料)改...


For you never know how much time is left , that can still be rearranged . if we could just slow down enoughto consider what ' s true and real , and always try to understandthe way other people feel . and be less quick to anger , and show appreciation moreand love the people in our liveslike we ' ve never loved before . if we treat each other with respect , and more often wear a smile . . . remembering that this special dashmight only last a little while . so , when your eulogy ' s being readwith your life ' s actions to rehash . . . would you be proud of the things they sayabout how you spent your dash 因為你無法知道,還有多少來日可以讓你重新安排我們可不可以把步子放慢想一想,什么才是真正重要的要試著去了解別人的感受不要輕易發火多表達出一些善意就像我們從來沒有愛過那樣愛我們生命中的每一個人我們可不可彼此尊重臉上常常帶著微笑… …要記住,這個特別的破折號是多么的短暫因此,當別人讀出你的頌詞重提你的一生… …你會不會對你自己如何度過你的破折號而感到驕傲?

Among other things , thwaite rehashes old stories he has written before , sits in his study in the morning sipping from a bottle of whisky in the drawer of his desk and calmly blows away a commitment to speak at a fund - raising dinner for a harlem youth programme in favour of a publisher ' s invitation to a dinner in honour of two well - known palestinian activists 除了別的事情,斯維特重新創作了一個自己曾經寫過的老故事,清晨,他坐在自己的書房里一邊喝著從抽屜里取出的威士忌,一邊平靜的吹走了一份關于在黑人青年計劃的募款晚宴上發言的承諾書,為的是出席一個出版商舉辦的紀念兩位巴勒斯坦激進分子的晚宴。

May be able to get away without locking the entire map at once by suitably qualifying the semantics of these operations , but some operations , such as map rehashing expanding the number of hash buckets and redistributing elements as the map grows must guarantee exclusive access 也許能夠不用一次鎖整個map (通過適當地限定這些操作的語義) ,但是有些操作,比如map重排(擴大hash bucket的數量,隨著map的增長重新分布元素) ,則必須保證獨占訪問。

I do not propose to rehash today the rationale of the moratorium which was introduced as part of a package of exceptional measures to bring relief to the economy 暫停賣地是一系列紓緩經濟的特殊措施的其中一環,我今天不打算重覆講述采取這項措施的原因。

Will use recursion to acquire the lock on each bucket and rehash the elements from each bucket into a new , larger hash table 就使用遞歸獲取每個bucket上的鎖并重排每個bucket中的元素到一個新的、更大的hash表中。

This method eliminates the clustering problem in linear rehashing by picking the integer pii in a pseudorandom fashion 這種方法是按偽隨機方式去挑選整數pii ,它能消除線性再散列中所產生的堆聚問題。

In boyish zeal , he rehashes the dubious british claims to have invented television and the jet engine 他還以孩子般的熱情去將令人生疑的英國人發明了電視跟噴氣發動機的言論老調重彈。

Let s rehash some past advice and see how findbugs can help detect when you fail to follow it 讓我們以新方式重復前面的一些建議,并了解在沒有遵守這些建議時, findbugs如何幫助檢測。

There were signs of distrust , arguments rehashed , and potentially sweet moments that dissolved into bitterness 家庭氛圍中長期充滿著懷疑和爭論,苦澀淹沒了可能出現的甜蜜時刻。

I ’ ve learned that many , many of the programs and e - books are simply a rehash of another program , or e - book 我知道很多很多的節目和電子圖書只是復述另一個節目,或者電子圖書

At some point , it makes sense to increase the number of buckets and rehash the values 從某種意義上說,增加bucket的數目和重排其中的值是非常重要的。

I won t rehash what all the various tags in a deployment descriptor mean )我將不再重復談論各個標記在部署描述符中的意義。

Most are a rehash of the same old junk that didn ' t sell well before 大多數是一些以前賣得不好的垃圾產品的改良。

And i would love to rehash the evening 今晚我愿意不厭其煩的

His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture 他的回答只不過是把我的講義重復了一遍。

This method eliminates the clustering problem in linear rehashing by picking the integer pii in a pseudorandom fashion . 這種方法是按偽隨機方式去挑選整數pii,它能消除線性再散列中所產生的堆聚問題。