
rehabilitation n.1.復權,復職,復位。2.善后;平反,恢復名譽,昭雪...


Rehabilitation centres appointment amendment order 2004 2004年更生中心指定修訂令

Herbal treatment and rehabilitation of apoplectic sequelae 中風后遺癥用藥及康復探要

Measures of traffic rehabilitation of urban intersection 城市道路交叉口交通治理措施

Brief analysis of rehabilitation of cement concrete pavement 水泥混凝土路面改造淺析

Efficacy of educational rehabilitation of 440 deaf children 440例聾兒教育康復的效果

Guide for the rehabilitation of hydroelectric power plants 水電站的重建指南

Ecological recovery of rivers in dam rehabilitation 攔河壩改建中的河流生態修復途徑

Gifts for changhua juvenile rehabilitation center 贈彰化縣少年撫育院學生禮品

Rehabilitation and treatment of senile osteoporosis 老年骨質疏癥的康復與治療

Chief manager senior citizens rehabilitation services 總經理(長者及復康服務)

The rehabilitation consultation of artificial cochlea 人工耳蝸調試的康復咨詢

Chinese journal of cardiovascular rehabilitation medicine 心血管康復醫學雜志

Rehabilitation guidance after total hip joint replacement 全髖關節置換術后康復指導

Treatment and clinical rehabilitation of pilon fracture 骨折的治療與臨床康復

Hong kong society for rehabilitation rehabus services 香港復康會復康巴士服務

Rehabilitation nursing experience for acute lumbar sprain 急性腰扭傷的康復護理體會

Section 508 of the rehabilitation act pending Rehabilitation法案508條款暫定

Prevention and rehabilitation treatment of osteoporosis 骨質疏松癥的預防與康復治療

Rehabilitation program to help you return to work 復康計劃協助受保人重返工作