
rehabilitate vt.1.使復原;使復權[復職、復位]。 2. 使恢復。...


The ura has also reached agreement with 13 banks to offer more favourable mortgage terms to buildings rehabilitated 市建局亦與13間銀行達成協議,為完成復修工程的樓宇提供更優惠的按揭條款。

In 1995 , dalian government decided to rehabilitate the chunliuhe wastewater disposal factory by loaning from world bank 1995年,大連市政府決定利用世界銀行貸款對春柳河污水處理廠進行改造。

We will try to rehabilitate buildings so as to reduce the degree of dislocation to residents in older areas 只有破舊失修的樓宇才會重建。我們會盡量修復樓宇,以減少舊區居民的遷徙。

The various growth inside human body the growth that factor can promote a cell , rehabilitate is compensatory nutrition 人體內各種各樣的生長因子能夠促進細胞的生長、修復并補充營養。

The average cost of 1 ) rehabilitating one seal after the ( exxon ) valdez oil 2 ) spill in alaska was $ 80 , 000 阿拉斯加瓦爾迪茲發生過石油泄漏后,救援每只海豹的平均花費高達八萬美元。

For example , the urban renewal authority or similar authority should be requested to rehabilitate the industrial areas 舉例說,應要求市區重建局或類似機關負責重建工業區。

Cic is expected to inject about $ 45 billion to rehabilitate the sprawling state bank and prepare it for an ipo 預計中投公司將用450億美元來搭救農行,并為該行的上市作準備。

The average cost of rehabilitate one seal after the valdez oil spill in alaska was $ 80 , 000 阿拉斯加瓦爾迪茲發生石油泄漏以后,搶救援助每只海豹的平均費用價錢到達8萬美元。

To rehabilitate degraded ecosystems and promote the recovery of threatened species where practicable 在切實可行的情況下,重建已退化的生態系統,并促進受威脅物種的復原;

The average cost of rehabilitate one seal after the valdez oil spill in alaska was $ 80 , 000 阿拉斯加瓦爾迪茲發生石油泄漏以后,救援每只海豹的平均費用達到8萬美元。

Nearly 300 , 000 flood hit victims were rehabilitated in 1 , 200 flood centers in the affected districts 1200個受洪災襲擊的地區,近30受洪災襲擊的受害者已得以恢復。

Your file says you ' ve served forty years of a life sentence . you feel you ' ve been rehabilitated “你的檔案上寫著你已經服了40年的終生監禁,你悔過了么? ”

By traveling dimensions my wish will come true . now that strengh is being rehabilitated “通過在不同的世界旅行,我的愿望會實現。現在那種力量正在恢復。 ”

The average cost of rehabilitate one seal after the valdez oil spill in alaska was $ 80 , 000 瓦爾迪茲港口溢油事件后,使一頭海豹恢復健康的平均花是8萬美元。

Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete axial compressive members rehabilitated by wet bonded external steel 濕式外包鋼加固軸心受壓構件的可靠度分析

To the affected small scale fish farmers to assist them in rehabilitating their operations 的原生產者資助金予受影響的小規模養魚戶以助他們復業。

Social skill training for rehabilitating social skill disability of schizophrenics in the community 社區精神分裂癥患者社交技能缺陷康復的訓練

Experiments of shear capacity of rc beam bridges rehabilitated with cfrp under loading case 碳纖維布對具有初應力的鋼筋混凝土梁抗剪加固試驗

Defecation function evaluation and rehabilitate nursing in post - operation of ultra - low dixon 直腸癌超低位吻合術后排便功能評價及康復護理