
regurgitate vt.,vi.1.(使)擲還,(使)丟回;(使)噴回;(...


The aim of the lecture is not to give students information that they will regurgitate on an exam paper but to give them advice and a sense of direction for how they should study a particular subject area by themselves 講座的目的并非是給學生傳授那些他們可以照搬到考卷上的知識,而是就如何在某個學科領域進行自學來為學生提供一些建議并使之有方向感。

Not only do we have to learn how to fit into the school environment , but for many years we are stuffed with largely irrelevant information and told that our value is based on our ability to regurgitate it 我們不但要學習如何融入學校環境,而且許多年來我們均被大量無意義的資訊充塞,并被告知我們的價值是基于我們機械刻板地重覆的能力。

Smoking can cause relaxation of the pyloric sphincter , the narrow passage between the stomach and the small intestine , allowing bile to regurgitate into the stomach and damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum 吸煙可引致幽門括約肌松弛和膽汁返流到胃部,令胃黏膜及十二指腸受損

It caused nearly twice as many complaints as the previous record - holder - an advert for wrigley ' s chewing gum in which a man recovering from a hangover appeared to regurgitate a dog 肯德基這則廣告的被投訴量是2004年投訴量最多的廣告的兩倍。 2004年,被投訴最多的是一則有關口香糖的廣告。

It caused nearly twice as many complaints as the previous record - holder - an advert for wrigley s chewing gum in which a man recovering from a hangover appeared to regurgitate a dog 肯德基這則廣告的被投訴量是2004年投訴量最多的廣告的兩倍。 2004年,被投訴最多的是一則有關口香糖的廣告。

The next interesting aspect of owning a carnivorous plant is that depending on what you feed it , you may be rewarded by the plant regurgitating some lovely rewards 下一個有趣的話題則是,你喂植物吃什么,你可能能從植物身上采收一些可愛有趣的小玩意兒。

How could i throw up the medicine given by a master ? i regurgitated and swallowed it again several times until i swallowed it all . phew 我吐出來又吞下去,吐出來又吞下去,好幾次這樣子,才把那個油統統都喝光,哇!

It is not like cows regurgitating the grass they have swallowed to chew it again ! the blessing power is very precious 又不是跟牛吃草一樣,吃下去以后,還能反芻再嚼一次!

For example , nobody thinks twice about regurgitating as speech something we have watched or listened to 例如,在我們復述所看到或聽到的內容時,沒有人會多次回顧這些內容。

It has been proposed that these fragments represent lysosomal products regurgitated to the tubular lumen4 因此有人提出這些碎片是返流入腎小管管腔的溶酶體產物。

His measure of success is his students ' capacity to regurgitate factual data 而他成功的標桿是他的學生反芻事實數據的能力。

He ' s simply regurgitating stuff remembered from lectures 他只不過是照背講義而已