
regulator n.1.管理者。2.調整者;整理者。3.校準者;【機械工...


“ for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle 發現細胞周期中的關鍵調節因子

[ stan ] can y , ou check the voltage regulator ? what do we got there 你能檢查下穩壓器嗎?

Pressure regulators for liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油氣用壓力調節器

Trophblast invasion and its regulator factors 滋養層侵襲力及其調控因素

Development of digital - control d - p and p - e regulators 數控平衡閥的研制

Design scheme of new type regulator for ac generating set 交流發電機新型調節器的設計方案

Avr , constant voltage control or automatic voltage regulator 定電?制御

Voltage regulators are analog circuits 電壓調節器是一種模擬集成電路。

Acr , constant current control or automatic current regulator 定電流制御

State and federal regulators tread on each other ' s toes 州和聯邦立法機構已經惹怒眾人。

European regulators have been gunning for apple 歐洲該領域的監管部門一直在找蘋果的碴。

Lqr theory is adopted to design the pid regulator 采用lqr設計方法整定pid調節器參數。

How should politicians and regulators react 政界人士和監管者該如何應對?

Stan can y , ou check the voltage regulator ? what do we got there 你能檢查下穩壓器嗎?

Wedge , go for the power regulator on the north tower 威治,去干掉北塔上的能源穩定器

Vibrating type automatic power factor regulator 振動式自動功率因數調整裝置

Electromagnetic regulators for generators . screw mounting 發電機電磁調節器.螺釘固定

Ofta hong kong awarded best asian regulator 香港電訊管理局獲選為亞洲最佳電訊監管機構

Self - operated diaphragm - type natural gas service regulators 自動膜式天然氣工作調節器