
regulative adj.1.管理的;管制的,規定的。2.調整的;調節的;...


Non - market of form mechanism decided that adjusting of regulative interest rate easily lag to changing of macro - economy due to stronger interest rate regulation in china at present , extent of adjusting is not enough agility , transmitting efficiency of monetary policy discount highly 由于我國目前仍存在較大程度的利率管制,形成機理的非市場性決定了管制利率的調節容易滯后于宏觀經濟的變動,調節幅度不夠靈活,貨幣政策的傳導效率大打折扣。

In order to enhance the sufficient effect and the metering quantity of suction seed metering device , the regulative keep - off shade of seed room and the appropriate mechanism structure were designed on the basis of analyzing the structure and basic principle of suction seed metering device 摘要為了提高氣吸式排種器的充種效果及排種質量,在分析氣吸式排種器結構和基本工作原理的基礎上,設計了充種室種面調節擋簾,并改進了充種室結構。

Part four to discuss systemieally and at large regulative management of funds in non . . . . . . state run schools , and the putting forwarding problem - solving strategies and concrete advice from views of the macroscopic government behavior and the rnicrocosmic school behavior 第四部分:從宏觀政府行為角度和民辦學校內部行為這一微觀角度,對民辦學校資金的規范管理進行了系統而詳盡的論述,并提出了解決問題的策略和具體建議。

The thesis makes an international comparison on market entry management , asset risks management , business operation management , market withdrawing management and so on . combining with our regulative status and capacity , the author raises our regulative measures . 1 文章通過對外資銀行準人、資產風險、業務經營和市場退出等方面監管措施的國際比較,結合我國的監管現狀和監管能力,提出適合中國國情的監管措施: 1

The concept of interior volume specific ratio , regulative purpose and execution methods are explained , cases concerned with interior volume specific ratio are analyzed , the importance of interior volume specific ratio in the operation of screw refrigeration compressor are emphasized 摘要闡述了內容積比的概念、調節的目的和實現方式、分析了與內容積比調節相關的案例,明確了內容積比在螺桿制冷壓縮機運行中的重要性。

So , study of human brain microvascular endothelial cell ( hbmec ) will lead us to understand the regulative mechanism of bbb homeostasis , and pathogenesis of some cns disorders . escherichia coli k1 is the most common gram - negative pathogen of neonatal meningitis 血腦屏障主要由腦微血管內皮細胞,內皮細胞間的緊密連接,以及包繞內皮細胞的基膜和星形膠質細胞的足突組成,以嚴格限制致病因子及細胞進入腦內。

It has been more than 10 years since the real estate industry formally developed in china , hi general , the real estate market in china has experienced infant phase , development phase , over the heat phase and regulative phase , at present the real estate market is in a state of orderliness 中國房地產業的發展已有十多年的歷史,經過了起步、發展、過熱、蕭條和調整階段,目前處于理性發展時期。

Although the social security law is included by the social law , overlaps and intersects with the other laws between its partial contents and regulative objects , it should be an independent law according to its numbers , contents and adjusted objects and methods 盡管社會保障法與社會法存在著包含與被包含,與勞動法、經濟法存在著重疊和交叉的關系,但它仍應是一個獨立的法律部門。

I present my ideas about how to tackle these three kinds of problems . i advanced two aspect of the regulative western engineering consultant market , according to the factor of the western market , in the idiographic regulated content and way 在具體的規范內容和規范途徑方面,根據監理市場的要素組成,提出了規范西部監理市場的兩個方面:規范業主行為和規范監理企業的行為。

When we resolve the question of the discrimination and the relation between the civil law and the commercial law , the difference of the value orientation of legislation is also an important factor which should be considered except the regulative objective of the law 摘要民法與商法的區分及關系問題,除要考慮法律的調整對象之外,立法價值取向的差異也是非常重要的因素。

Applying both the methods of functional comparison and regulative comparison , the legislative background , legislative system , and general legislation of the two nation ’ s environmental law are compared in this thesis 本文運用功能比較與規范比較相結合的方法,對兩國環境法的立法背景、立法體系和有關對環境污染進行控制的綜合性環境法律進行了比較。

It should build up the viewpoint of scientific economic development an service administration , enhance the regulative performance and efficiency of the government , standard the government behavior legally 與此同時,政府經濟職能的轉變,必須默氯堅持以人為本,樹立和落實科學的經濟發展觀,樹立服務行政觀,提高政府管制績效,依法規范政府行為。

For another , the entering of foreign banks also is able to bring some negative affects such as increase the banking regulative and controlling difficulty and bring some impact to domestic banks 另一方面,外資銀行的進入也會帶給我國諸如加大金融調控難度、給國內金融業帶來沖擊等不利影響,需要我國付出一定的成本。

After china ' s securities regulative committee issued the guidelines of establishment of independent director in listing corporations , independent director has been formally ushered into our listing corporation 隨著證監會《關于在上市公司建立獨立董事制度的指導意見》的頒布,獨立董事制度在我國正式建立起來。

This article briefly reviews the regulative effects of these signaling pathways including protein kinase c , mitogen activated protein kinase , and phosphoinositide 3 ' - oh kinase / protein kinase b 本文簡要介紹心肌細胞內皮素激活蛋白激酶c 、絲裂原激活蛋白激酶、磷酸肌醇3 '羥基激酶蛋白激酶b等信號通路的調節作用。

The model can be used to analyze accurately the effect of individual interrelated factor on production decline rate , support regulative countermeasures and modify the natural decline rate in an oilfield 該模型可準確地分析各相關因素對遞減率的影響程度,從而為制定控制油田自然遞減率的調整對策提供了依據。

In my opinion , the regulative legal documents should be used as the evidence in administrative litigation , which distinguishes administrative litigation from criminal litigation and civil litigation 事實上,規范性文件應該成為行政訴訟的證據,而且,這也是行政訴訟區別于刑訴和民訴的一個重要特征。

The state council and the central bank has made strict regulative measure that the core subject is strict land control and tight credit , to curb rising real estate price 為此,在2005年,國務院、中國人民銀行總行等政府機構相繼出臺了以“嚴管土地,看緊信貸”為核心的調控措施。

The regulative method is the key to optimizing . for the siso inertial plants , a presented method based on the analysis of the phase plane is applied in this paper 調整方法是尋優過程的關鍵,對于表現為較大慣性的siso對象,本文提出一種基于相平面分析的方法。