
regulation n.1.規則,規程,規章,條例。2.控制,管理,限制,(...


A proliferation of regulations and controls sharply increased business costs and introduced distortions . 規章制度和控制的廣泛施行急劇增加了營業成本,導致了各種失調現象。

Federal regulations imposed nox exhaust-emission standards on all 1973 passenger vehicle . 聯幫政府的法規又強制規定了所有1973年起的新型載客汽車排放Nox廢氣污染物的標準。

The commodity futures trading commission imposes somewhat stricter regulations on all trading than in the past . 商品期貨交易委員會對各項交易的規定較前稍微嚴格了一些。

The two chief function of any air-conditioning system are the regulation of air temperature and humidity . 任何空氣調節系統的兩大主要功能,就是調節空氣的溫度和濕度。

First he tried to line up congressional support for a two-year freeze on government regulations . 他先是力圖說服國會議員支持他的請求,把政府一些規章的實施凍結兩年。

Federal and state regulations require higher treatment levels than in the past for municipal wastewaters . 聯邦和州的法規要求比過去對城市污水的處理有更高的水平。

No . the regulation permits you to bring in two bottles of wine of liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free . 不要。海關規定可以免稅攜帶一條香煙和兩瓶酒。

The changes were partly the result of regulations that went into effect at the beginning of 1987 . 帶來這些變化的部分原因是1987年初起實行了新的規定的結果。

There are just too many countries and regions involved and thus a web of tax regulations . 它所涉及的國家和地區為數太多,各種稅則縱橫交錯,紛繁復雜。

There are too many regulations and restrictions , and that makes it impossible to get things done quickly . 條條框框太多,辦事效率不高。

These traffic regulations are decreed by governments for national traffic safety . 這些交通規則是為國民交通安全著想而由各國政府頒布的。

Indignity or not, he would change his unofficial shirt for a regulation one . 不管丟臉不丟臉,他一定要把普通襯衫換成規定的襯衫。

Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible . 警員條例要求執行職務者的號碼標志必須清楚易見。

But riccardo's proposal for a freeze on regulations fell on deaf ears . 然而,里卡多主張凍結規章的實施的提議根本就沒有人聽。

These regulations have reduced cigarette smoking very much since they were instituted . 這些措施制定以來抽煙的人確實減少了。

Joseph kohler saw the end of legal regulation in the promotion of culture . 約瑟夫科勒認為法律控制的目的是促進文化的發展。

Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations . 對肉眼可見的顆粒物質的污染通過適當管理即可加以控制。

The regulations are made to protect women 's and children 's rights and interests . 制定這個規定是為了保護婦女兒童的權益。

It's investigations have led to better regulation of public utilities . 它的各項調查促進了有利于公共利益各項立法的誕生。