
regulate vt.1.規定,管制,控制。2.整頓;使有條理,使整齊。...


A regulated power supply is included with each source 每個光源包括一個電源。

Public utilities are carefully regulated here 公用事業在這里受到仔細的管理。

Explains the model that regulates projects and builds 解釋管理項目和生成的模型。

Light and temperature are always artificially regulated 人工恒控光線和溫度。

A study on the supervision of financial regulating power 金融監管權的監督問題研究

They regulate the flow of water by the sluice gate 他們用水閘門控制水的流量。

Unique rotating stall heat - regulating function 獨特的旋轉檔位式熱蓋調節功能。

Legalistic thinking on regulating the foreign - funded bank 規制外資銀行的法律思考

Lcq3 : regulating pollutant emissions from vessels 立法會三題:規管船舶排放污染物

Regulating your habits is conducive to good health 使生活習慣規律化有益于健康。

Intelligent locomotive voltage regulating switch tester 智能機車調壓開關測試儀

On the limits of the object of regulating in economic law 論經濟法調整對象的范圍

It helped to extend , modify , and regulate creation 它幫助擴大、修改和調節創造。

Also on the legal theory to regulate parallel import 也談調整平行進口之法學理論

The power to regulate commerce could not be qualified 管理商業的權力不能削弱。

Fit and proper assessment for regulated activities 份監管機構備忘錄,內容分別為

A thermostat is a device for regulating temperature 恒溫器是調節溫度用的裝置。

Their fairly handsome faces, with the fairly kind expressions, were quickly and carefully regulated by a sense of compromise . 他們那相當漂亮的面孔、帶著相當和藹的表情,被一種妥協的意識迅速地、謹慎地調節著。

The little republic to which i gave laws was regulated in the following manner: by sunrise we all assembled in our common apartment . 歸我發號施令的這個小共和國是這樣治理的:太陽出來,我們齊集客廳。