
regularize vt.1.使有規律;使規則化,使有秩序,使有組織。2.整...


The translation of chinese dishes rich in historical and cultural information has a particular role to play in promoting chinese culture , yet the translation now in china is yet to be regularized 菜譜中富含中國歷史文化信息的菜名的翻譯對傳播中國文化起著促進作用,但菜譜中這些菜名的翻譯卻五花八門,缺少比較統一的規范。

To prevent the aforementioned pathologies , besides keeping an adequate diet with enough nutrients and a regularized labour regime , we have to protect the vertebral column in basic positions 為預防上述現象,除了保證充分吸收足夠的營養和適度勞動外,就連在日常生活中,我們也要注意在一些最基本的姿勢中保護我們的脊椎。

The submission of a planning application for regularizing the ud will not be taken as a reasonable step to comply with the notice as is allowed under the previous ordinance ; and 至于已提交規劃申請,把該違例發展納為準許用途,則不會被視作為已按通知書的規定而采取的合理步驟,縱然此舉在先前的條例中是可以接受的;以及

Therefore , the government has to guide and regularize the villager autonomy and its organization - villager committee , so as to decrease the risk of trust 政府需要通過正式的政權組織渠道,特別是鄉鎮政權和基層黨組織來引導和規約村民自治及其組織形式村委會的活動,以此來減少信任的風險性,提高信任的概率。

When adding an entropy function as regularizing term to the lagrangian function , we obtain a smooth approximate function for m ( x ) , which turns out to be the exponential penalty function 當將熵函數作為正則項加到拉格朗日函數上,我們得到了逐點逼近于m ( x )的光滑函數。經證明,該函數即為指數罰函數。

Secondly , to perfect the known restoring models , a new space - adaptive regularization model of image restoration is constructed by redesigning regularized parameter and regularized item 第二,在現有復原模型的完善上,重新構建正則化參數與正則化項,構造了新的具有空間自適應性質的正則化圖像復原模型。

High standard high quality free education . realize the reasonable construction of schools ; standardize conditions to build school ; regularize school management ; diversify the characters of schools 高標準、高質量的義務教育。實現學校布局合理化,辦學條件標準化,學校管理規范化,辦學特色多樣化。

1 ) the basic theories used in this thesis were introduced , including machine learning , kernel machine , statistical learning theory and regularized theory 介紹了機器學習和kernel學習機基本理論。介紹了kernel算法的通用結構、 mercer定理及映射函數。介紹了統計學習理論和正則化網絡的理論。

3 ) this thesis proposed a regularized kernel recursive least square ( rkrls ) algorithm . the coefficients and error of rkrls model are gotten and the generalization ability is analyzed 3 )對遞推最小二乘進行非線性的kernel變換,并采用正則化技術改寫了目標函數,提出了一種rkrls算法。

By applying the singular system of campact operator and the method of posteriori choosing determine the regular parameter , we can also prove the convergence of the regularized solution given [ 1 ] 摘要本文利用緊算子的奇異系統后驗選取正則參數,證明了文[ 1 ]中的改進的正則化解是收斂的。

Water and oil balance guidance factor can intensively regularize skin secretion , improve skin ability in sealing moisture , make skin moist and refreshing instead of oily and dry 水油平衡導向因子深入調節肌膚分泌及提高肌膚鎖水保濕能力,令肌膚油的部位不油,干的部位不干,潤滑清爽。

A regularized strategy which is based on the gauss kernel is recommened , and the discrepancy principle to select the regularized parameter is proved 摘要以正則化思想為基礎,介紹了基于高斯核來構造正則算子的方法,使其對噪音進行過濾,并證明了類似于正則化方法中選擇參數的偏差原理。

After a minimal primer on functional differentiation , we obtain the general form of the regularized solution as a weighted sum of kernel functions centered at the data points 我們會利用這理論來獲得正規化解法的一般形式,例如,如何于泛函數微分之后取得數據中核心函式的加權和。

Since 1990s , the independent system has been viewed as an important content to regularize and optimize the governance in many developed countries of the world 自20世紀90年代以來,世界各主要國家和地區在規范和完善公司治理結構時,都將獨立董事制度作為一項重要的內容。

For the first time the tikhonov “ s regularizing method is used to solve the failure rate of the products of electrical engineering when their failure distribution is unknown 當電工產品的失效分布類型未知時,首次利用求解不適定問題的正則化方法來求解其失效率。

An artificial international language with a vocabulary based on word roots common to many european languages and a regularized system of inflection 世界語:一種人造的國際輔助語,其單詞是建立在許多歐洲語言基礎上,具有規定統一的音調變化系統

At the end of the paper , the author presents several suggestions to policy makers on how to best regularize operations in this irregular market 拍賣市場主要在上海。市場具有場所確定、程序規范、交易集中、公開競價等特點。

Finally , the writer designs the system that can regularize the administrative real act and protect civil rights 最后,筆者提出了對行政事實行為的規范化設計,以期解決保障行政主體依法行政、保護行政相對人合法權益的問題。

Fourthly , in line with its changes in content , the periodical enjoyed more artisitical designs and more regularized formalities 第四,與內容變化相協調, 《小說月報》設計更富藝術性,體例更為規范。