
regularity n.有規則;整齊(度);調和;一定不變;正規;(合乎)規...


Regularity of continuous linear operators on banach function spaces 函數空間上連續線性算子的正則性

Regularity of minefield structure and its influence on mining 井田構造變化規律及其對煤層開采的影響

The research orientation about regularity of arithmetic word problem 數學應用題規則性研究的新進展

Regularity for the very weak solutions of a class of elliptic equation 一類橢圓方程很弱解的正則性

Outbreak regularity and control of maize dwarf mosaic virus 玉米矮花葉病毒病的發生規律及防治研究

Regularity of degenerate weak l1 , l2 - bld mappings 映射的正則性

H - regularity for elliptic mixed boundary value problem in a polygon 非線性橢圓型方程多解的計算

Research on geologic structure regularity in yueliangtian mine 月亮田煤礦井田地質構造規律的分析

Nonprofit start - ups appear with startling regularity 非營利組織的組建表現出令人驚嘆的規范性。

Advances on the fruiting regularities in seed orchard of pine 我國松樹種子園結實規律的研究進展

Can you find any regularity in the mistakes of your method 你能找出你的方法的缺陷中的規律嗎?

Analysis of gas occurrence regularity in b4 seam in yuancunjing colliery 4煤層瓦斯賦存規律分析

Study on metallogenic regularities of gold deposits in zhenxun basin 鎮旬盆地金礦成礦規律研究

The pendulum swings with great regularity 鐘擺很有規律地擺動著。

A note on regularity for very weak nonhomogeneous p - hamonic mappings 調和映射正則性的一點注記

The regularity of fuzzy number valued measure 模糊數值測度的正則性

Comments on the studies of regularities of philosophy of science 科學哲學中的規范性研究述評

The empirical analysis on the regularity of corporations mergers 上市公司兼并規律的實證分析

Study on growth regularity of lin ai 臨矮534小麥品種生育規律觀察研究