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regular course (學校的)本科。

regular curve

Its objectives are to assist in the preservation , dissemination , communication , and increase of knowledge ; provide regular courses of instruction in the humanities , the sciences , and other branches of learning of a standard required and expected of a university of the highest standing ; and stimulate the intellectual and cultural development of hong kong and thereby assist in promoting its economic and social welfare 中大是一所采用雙語教學及融會中西文化的高等教育機構,成立宗旨在于(一)協力于知識的保存、傳播、交流及增長; (二)提供人文學科、科學學科與其他學科的正規課程,水準以最杰出大學所須有及應有者為鵠的; (三)促進香港的知識與文化發展,以助提高其經濟與社會公益。

Taking chengdu university of technology as a case , according to the constitution principle of course construction , cdut set down the three rank plan including regular course , excellent course and extractive course , definite the structure and grades of evaluating index system , establish the ways to classify the course rank and evaluate course construction , which provides a reference for course construction of general university 以成都理工大學為例,該校依據課程建設評價指標體系建立的原則,制定了合格課程、優質課程、精品課程三級課程建設規劃,確立了評價指標體系的結構和分值分配,建立了課程等級劃分和課程建設評價的方法,為一般本科院校的課程建設評價提供了借鑒。

“ document of title ” includes bill of lading , dock warrant , dock receipt , warehouse receipt or order for the delivery of goods , and also any other document which in the regular course of business or financing is treated as adequately evidencing that the person in possession of it is entitled to receive , hold and dispose of the document and the goods it covers “產權文件”包括提單、碼頭賬單、碼頭收據、倉單或移交貨物的命令,和在固定的商務或經濟過程中被視為占有其的該人有權接收、持有和處理其和其所指貨物的充分證據的任何其它文件。

Article 7 a person with the academic qualification of a regular course education in law in a higher education institution who is engaged in such professional work as legal research or teaching and with a senior professional title or of an equivalent professional level may , when applying to practice law , be granted the lawyer qualification upon verification and approval by the judicial administration department under the state council in accordance with the provided conditions 第七條具有高等院校法學本科以上學歷,從事法律研究、教學等專業工作并具有高級職稱或者具有同等專業水平的人員,申請律師執業的,經國務院司法行政部門按照規定的條件考核批準,授予律師資格。

You see , the mental body for so many incarnations , has not gone on these night training trips as a regular course and so this is a whole new ballgame , we may say and we are programming a body that has been in a different mode for billions of years 你們明白,精神體化身很多,沒有繼續進行這些夜間旅行訓練猶如固定的課程,因而這是一次全新的球賽,我們可以說我們已經正在十億年以一個不同的模式設計一個身體。

In addition , regular courses ( offline ) depend heavily on books and other traditional paper - based materials while online education posts lectures , notes , and assignments electronically and that saves thousands of dollars every year 此外,傳統的課程極大地依賴于書本及其他傳統的印刷材料,而在線教育則通過網絡發送授課內容,筆記和布置地作業

The medical school in formosa has the grand distinction that it is the only school in the far east which gives a regular course of the modern science and practice of medicine to students of chinese origin 在福爾摩沙的醫學院有偉大的聲名,因為那是遠東惟一提供一般現代化科學課程和實習醫學給原來說中國語言的學生。

The following guidelines apply only to regular course grades , makeup exam grades , and summer session grades ; grades for the ma thesis and the doctoral dissertation are not subject to these guidelines 二、本辦法所稱成績,為學業成績,包含各科目學期成績、補考后之學期成績及暑期班成績,但不包含碩、博士論文成績。

If a busy schedule leaves you with too little time to book one of our regular courses , the vario programme will give you maximum flexibility . learn german when you want for as long as you want 沒有時間參加完整的培訓班?靈活班將為您提供最大的機動性:您想什么時候學就什么時候學,想學多長時間就學多長時間。

When they reached yaroslavl , the wound had begun to suppurate natasha knew all about suppuration and all the rest of it , and the doctor had said that the suppuration might follow the regular course 但到了雅羅斯拉夫爾,傷口開始化膿娜塔莎清楚有關化膿的全部情況以及別的情況,大夫說,化膿可以有好的結果。

Regular courses composed of different subspecialties in orthopaedics and traumatology like trauma bioskill workshops , endoscopic workshops , microsurgery training courses 中心會定時舉辦有關矯形外科及創傷學各個不同范疇的課程及工作坊,包括有創傷生物技術、內窺鏡手術、顯微手術。

You will be advised by weisong / sisong on your areas of improvement . you are also welcome to join the regular courses which the school offers 答:李偉菘和李?菘將給予參賽者一些進步的提示。同時也歡迎參賽者參加李偉菘音樂課室所提供的課程。

Applicants must either complete a twelve - year regular course of school education or have graduated from a school equivalent to the senior high school in japan 申請人必須完成為期十二年的正規課程,或具備等同日本高中畢業的學歷。

The department also invites senior anthropologists of international reputation to visit the department for seminars and to teach regular courses 本系還邀請國際知名的資深人類學家到訪本系演講和執教。

Besides regular courses , to university students , television also offers various educational programs for different viewers 這一段最好寫與廣大民眾的日常生活密切相關的文化科學教育節目。

I couldn t afford to learn it . said the mock turtle with a sigh . i only took the regular course “我不能學它, ”素甲魚嘆了一聲說, “我只學正課。 ”

Regular course , on - job courses 正規班在職班