
regular adj.1.有規則的,有規律的;有秩序的,井井有條的,整...

regular bedtime

He supplements his regular meals by eating between meals . 他在兩餐之間吃點東西來補充正餐。

She is a regular beauty . 她是一個十足的美人。

He is one of our regulars . 他是我們的老主顧。

Many party regulars took these words as a boast . 很多黨的積極分子把這句話看成是自我夸耀。

We need regular inspections to control product quality . 我們需要常規檢查以控制產品質量。

She instituted regular hours and employments for her . 她給她規定了每天工作的時間和項目。

The weekly luncheons became a regular institution . 這每周一次午餐變成了一種經常的制度。

The young girl had regular and delicate lineament . 這個年輕姑娘的容貌長得端正而且秀麗。

He said that all the other boys were regular gipsies . 他說別的男孩全是道地的吉卜賽人。

You 're a regular old woman . 你也太婆婆媽媽的了。

I have an idea we'll be fairly regular customers here . 我覺得咱們快成這家的老主顧了。

I take the odd bit of exercise , but nothing regular . 我偶爾稍微鍛煉一下,但無規律。

He was a regular visitor of hers . 他是她家的常客。

Her breath came slow and regular . 她呼吸得又慢又勻。

He is a regular stick . (戲劇)他是一個十足的木頭人。

He's always been so regular . 他一直地那樣安分守己的。

We had a regular estate . 我們家本來還有個不小的莊園。

They have set a regular time for vocational study . 他們把假期學習時間固定下來。

You make your brother out a regular turk . 你終究認清了你的兄弟是個十足的暴君。