
regulable adj.可調整的,可調節的;可控制的。


Based on the analysis of the effect on the maximum range of the equation ' s each parameter and the traditional method of extinction ratio , the noncooperative regulable attenuation - measure the minimum detectable power of laser altimeter on the condition of constant miss probability by attenuating the laser power transmitting to the diffuse reflected simulant target - was put forward 在傳統的消光系數法基礎上,根據對月測距方程各系數的影響權重分析,提出了非合作目標可調衰減法,即:通過對漫反射模擬目標,衰減出射激光功率,在一定的漏警概率條件下測量激光高度計的最小可探測功率。

Compared to the traditional converter , the new one can transform electric power from a static part to a rotary part without an electrocircuit connection , which makes the contactless power transform come true . one application of this converter is to supply a steady and regulable excitation circuit for synchronous generator by integrated its second winding with the motor while its primary winding is static . the thesis gives two methods of the rotating converter design paticullarly : flyback and fullbridge , and explains how the circuits are designed 通過理論分析、仿真分析和實驗驗證,得出這兩種旋轉變換器都能進行感應電能傳輸,但它們的傳輸功率是不同的,反激式旋轉換器最大只能傳輸幾十瓦功率的感應電能,因此只能用在感應電能傳輸較小的場合,或者信號傳輸的場合;而全橋式旋轉變換器能傳輸較大的功率,可用于電機的新型無刷勵磁方案中。

The maximum range is the most important specification for a laser altimeter and 200km is the required level for the spaceborne laser altimeter in the lunar resources survey . in the paper , one kind of method and setting characterizing the laser altimeter ' s performance aiming at the specification of maximum range - noncooperative regulable attenuation was put forward and founded 中科院知識創新重大方向?月球資源探測衛星激光高度計,要求實現200km的對月測距能力,本文以地面驗證激光高度計最大測程指標為目標,提出并建立一種激光高度計性能驗證方法?非合作目標可調衰減法和裝置。

On the basis of methods of feedback linearization and compound lyapunov , the author puts forward a sort of robust output track control rule with a regulable parameter . this rule not only guarantees the system exponent output track but also makes the closed loop system have limited states 基于反饋線性化方法和復合lyapunov方法,作者提出了一種具有可調參數的魯棒輸出跟蹤控制律,不僅可以保證系統指數輸出跟蹤,而且閉環系統狀態有界。

According to the minimum detectable power required by the spaceborne laser altimeter for 200km maximum range and the analysis result of the effect between the maximum range and the equation ' s each parameter , the specifications for noncooperative regulable attenuation setting were fixed on 根據月球探測激光高度計實現200km所需的最小可探測功率,各影響因子與最大測程關系的分析,確定非合作目標可調衰減法裝置的技術指標。

By introducing the regulable parameter e , the transient quality of the system is improved . by regulating the parameter e , the control precision and the energy consume are compromised logically . the simulation result proves the va 由于可調參數的引入,改善了系統跟蹤的暫態性能,通過適當選取該參數,使系統的控制精度與能量消耗得到合理折衷;將所設計的控制器進行實例驗證,仿真結果表明了控制器的有效性。

The analysis of data and uncertainty of the test upon different simulant target properties and atmospheric condition has proved that noncooperative regulable attenuation method and setting described in the paper can achieve a quantitative output 不同目標特性、不同大氣條件下的地面性能驗證實驗數據和精度理論分析結果均表明,非合作目標可調衰減法可以實現對激光高度計最大測程的定量化驗證。

Based on the model of resource survey spaceborne laser altimeter , the noncooperative regulable attenuation module , including angular measure setting , beam splitter , energy meter , attenuator and simulant target , was designed and founded 結合激光高度計原理樣機,設計并建立了非合作目標可調衰減法模塊,該模塊包括角度測量裝置、分束片、能量計、衰減器以及模擬目標物。

In this paper , the robust output track control with the regulable parameter of non - linear control system is put foreword 進行了具有可調參數的不確定非線性系統魯棒輸出跟蹤控制理論研究。