
regretful adj.1.悔恨的,后悔的,惋惜的,有遺憾的,抱歉的。2...


Very regretful , after you belong to wine , drive , complete duty whether should also assume as to your friend come up from law tell , he does not have obligation to assume , because you are a driver manpower of if it were not for cannot be prevented , wanting a driver only is you , then you are complete duty do not know you are in a city , i am in shanghai , be in here after wine drive , cause an accident , not only amerce , detain 15 days of words that you want a friend to help you assume even , that can pron yourselves talks things over , do not involve law 非常遺憾,你屬于酒后駕車,全責至于你朋友是否也要承擔從法律上來講,他沒有義務承擔,因為你是駕駛員只要不是人力無法阻止,只要駕駛員是你,那你就是全責不知道你所在城市,我在上海,在我們這里酒后駕車,造成事故,不僅罰錢,還要拘留15天你要朋友幫你承擔的話,那只能你們自己協商,涉及不到法律了。

Once , very accidentally , i thought i just propose a new opinion , but a scholar in a university said , “ no , it is a new subject ” … i was luckily encouraged by a lot of academic gurus , generally if only i proposed the essay , the domestic and international academic meeting gave me green light … but i am regretful that no domestic scholar have entered the “ peachblossom garden ” , i feel a little bit lonesome 有一次,非常意外,我以為我的論文只是提出了一個新的觀念,但一位大學的專家說, “不,它是一門新的學科” … …我還幸運地受到了許多學術界前輩的鼓勵,一般只要我提交論文,國內國際的學術會議都開了綠燈… …但是,我遺憾國內沒有遇到進過“桃花園”的“同僚” ,感覺有些孤獨。

Further more , because the material limits , the article could not provide construction advises in accordance with the events that had been occurred in the development process of security investment fund in western countries . the writer is deeply regretful as this respect 另外,由于資料的限制,本文無法對西方國家的證券投資基金發展歷程中曾經發生過的、值得我們引以為鑒的重大事件進行分析從而提出建議性的意見,筆者本人對本論文中此部分的缺少深感遺憾。

However , it is very regretful that “ moral silence “ in modern enterprise management is still widespread and it is . still a long to go for “ responsibility consciousness “ of entrepreneurs that directly influences decision - making of enterprises to become conscious management behavior of enterprises 然而,令人遺憾的是現代企業管理中的“道德緘默”依然流行,直接影響企業決策的企業管理者的“責任自覺”意識遠未變為企業自覺的經營行動。

The formerly city renewal destroyed the city ' s context greatly . it ' s the most regretful thing for the human beings . and now what we can do is to reuse the industrial abandoned buildings in a correct way , to help these buildings transfer their ecological 、 economic and culture values 其存在的意義不僅在于它是一部反映工業文明史的“石頭的史書” ,還表現在由此而產生的“城市意向” ( cityimage )從而使人們獲得對城市的集體認同感。

With the ball falling a little short and bouncing over the base , the governor was regretful and lamented that his forkball dropped too much . nonetheless governor ishihara waved his hand to the crowd and left the mound with a big smile on his face 球的落點有點短并彈過了壘,知事對自己“分指扣球退步太多了”深表遺憾。盡管如此,知事還是向觀眾揮手致意,帶著笑容離開了投手土臺。

It is regretful that we cannot find an article on deng zihui ' s overall agricultural thought . so i try to remedy this defect . this dissertation is divided into three parts : part i : thought on agricultural important status 遺憾的是,對于這樣一位為我國農業作出杰出貢獻的領導人,學術界卻缺乏對其農業思想作整體的研究,本文試從整體上對鄧子恢的農業思想加以探討。

If you were to be sentenced to death , and to be shot the next day , there would surely be a lot of things , you had wrongly down in your life , for you to be regretful of ; yet , it would be to late to do so ; and regret doesn ` t help matters 如果你現在要將你判處死刑,綁赴刑場,執行槍決,你一定有許多許多悔恨的事情,然而已經悔之晚矣,你只有抱恨終生,此恨綿綿

Congratulation above all you , a lot of companies that make market research are used , but very regretful tell you , without what this card is real utility , can go up in your brief introduction plus appellation , is not chip 首先恭喜你啦,許多作市場調查的公司都用得上,但是很遺憾的告訴你,這個證沒有什么實際用途,可以在你的簡介上再加上個稱謂,而不是籌碼。

It is regretful that although our new company law has a great change compared with the old one , the contents concerning defective incorporation are almost the same , and their generality and practicability need improving 然而遺憾的是,我國新的公司法雖然對舊的公司法進行了大幅度的變革,但有關公司瑕疵設立的內容卻少有變化,其一般性和操作性仍有待完善。

On sleeping , i continued in dreams the idea of a dark and gusty night . i continued also the wish to be with you , and experienced a strange , regretful consciousness of some barrier dividing us 但一睡著,又繼續夢見月黑風高的夜晚,繼續盼著同你在一起,并且奇怪而遺憾地意識到,某種障礙把我們隔開了。

Very regretful tell you , not ok ! lawyer qualification certificate is to attend qualification of judicatory exam achievement to just can be obtained ! percent of pass has 5 millesimals only 很遺憾的告訴你,不可以!律師資格證書是參加司法考試成績合格才能獲得的!通過率只有千分之五!

We always miss and love master , our venerable mother , and we were very regretful that we could not go to florida to see her during the christmas retreat 我們時時想念著摯愛的師父,雖然圣誕節期間未能前往美國佛州道場探望師父,但我們相信化身師父已在禪三時和我們一起共度圣誕佳節。

From then on i often heard her say this , yet it never seemed boastful or regretful to me but like a simple fact that left no trace at all in her life 從那時起,我經常聽到她那樣說,但是我覺得似乎沒有任何夸耀和遺憾在里面,這只是一個簡單的事實,在她的生活中根本無足輕重。

Immensely regretful for what she has done , the prostitute gives the disciple the coals and he then returns to his master with the coals and a bandage over his eyes 這位妓女對自己的行為感到無限懊悔,便將煤炭遞給那位徒弟。于是徒弟眼睛包著繃帶,將煤炭帶回去給師父。

I remember one time when i failed to get a ride in master s car at hsihu . i was very young then and unhappily ran over to tell my mother of this regretful incident 西湖時,記憶中有一次我沒有坐上師父的車,那時年紀還小,難過地跑過去和媽媽講這件很遺憾的事。

But you should have money only with respect to what easy to handle , do not have money that is very regretful , can say with you only , china is so good , study abroad do 但是你只要有錢就什么都好辦,沒錢那就很遺憾了,只能跟你說,中國這么好,留學做嘛呢!

When we turned onto the dusty dirt road , i couldn ' t help feeling somewhat regretful as i looked at the new high - heeled shoes with thin straps that fangfang had on 當我們走上那條滿是塵土的小路,看著芳芳穿的那雙系著細鞋帶的高跟鞋,我不由得后悔起來。

Do not be moved by the man feeling sorry for you , because psychologically speaking , he who feels regretful subconsciously starts to repel you 不要被男人對你的愧疚心感動。因為按心理深層因素分析,當他對你有愧疚感的時候,通常在潛意識里開始排斥你了。