
regret n.1.遺憾,抱歉;后悔,悔恨;痛惜,惋惜,哀悼 (at...


She regretted the forfeits she had to pay for self assistance . 她為自己為了自助而必須付出的代價感到遺憾。

In the light of my later experience i have regretted this . 從我后來的經驗看來,我對這個作法感到很后悔。

Youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets . 你們年輕時候很快活,老大就不會徒悲傷了。

My father greeted me with his usual air of mild regret . 父親帶著他平素那種略帶遺憾的態度招呼我。

David felt hurt because his mother expressed no regret . 大衛因母親沒表示任何哀痛,心中有點傷心。

She was choking with anger, pain, shame, and regret . 她由于生氣、難過、羞恥、悔恨而喘不過氣來。

He replied, laughing but with a undertone of regret . 他笑著答道,不過笑聲中帶有一絲后悔的味道。

The only thing he could regret was his needless dread . 他唯一覺得遺憾的,是自己不必要的恐懼。

He regrets his hasty words that were productive of quarrels . 他后悔說出了導致口角的急躁的話。

It is with the deepest regret that we learn of your bereavement . 驚悉你親人逝世,深切悲痛。

I regret that i have been too negligent in my duty of writing to you . 函稟久疏,抱咎實深。

As long as i live i shall look back upon it with regret . 只要我活著,我就會傷感地懷念它。

He became a bus driver and he has not regretted it . 他當公共汽車司機了,對此他并不后悔。

I regret my bad action . 我悔恨自己的不良行為。

Mrs. touchett indulged in no regrets not speculations . 杜歇夫人卻毫不反悔,也沒有動搖。

Lily shook her head with a charming semblance of regret . 麗莉搖搖頭,嫵媚地表示遺憾。

It is the order of nature, and regret is useless . 這是自然的法則,悲嘆惋惜是無用的。

His regret is for the most part light and classical . 他的惋惜大部分是輕松而古雅的。

Answer or you may regret your disobedience . 回答,否則你們會為自己違抗命令后悔的。