
regress n.1.回歸,退回。2.【法律】復歸(權)。3.退化,退...


In such cases , processes may regress to their previous levels of performance , making the whole project a waste of time and money 在那種情況下,過程也許倒退回最初的性能級別,使整個項目成為時間和金錢上的浪費。

It was wonderful and inspiring to see and recognize our sisters and brothers who had made it to the level of non - regressing saint 能夠親眼目睹并認識那些達到不退菩薩等級的師兄姊們,真是既美好又令人振奮!

I think it takes both the roles to be effective . a lot of ldl lowering will assumingly increase hdl to regress the disease 我想二者都起到了一定作用。有分析認為ldl降低會使得hdl升高,延緩疾病發展病程。

Work tips : the playfulness associated with leo can regress to childish demands for attention , as opposed to healthy recognition 工作:貪玩的性格會讓獅子有不切實際的愿望,從而不能有正確的認識。

In 2005 , the topic of teaching theory in china can be generalized : it regressed itself through reflection and dialogue 摘要2005年,中國教學論研究的主題可以概括為:在反思和對話中回歸自身傳統。

It is very complicated to valuate risks that it can not be satisfying results by traditional regressing methods 但礦山投資項目的風險評判相當復雜,傳統的回歸分析方法并不能取得令人滿意的效果。

Many men , when very angry , regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet 很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提時代,邊大喊大叫邊跺腳地發脾氣。

His hold on power and influence on events in his country have regressed at the same pace as his health 他對權力的掌握以及對國家事件的影響,已經按照其健康一樣的速度不斷倒退。

Further more , anfis has higher modeling and generation ability than regress analyses and artificial neural networks 在預測和學習精度上,優于統計回歸和單一的神經網絡技術。

The stepwise regress technology was applied to analyze the factors after virtualization of status variables 將狀態變量轉化成虛擬變量后,運用逐步回歸技術進行因素的回歸分析。

During a 10 months follow - up period , the lesion regressed spontaneously and has shown no evidence of recurrence up to now 文獻上,尚未有結膜上皮原位癌自行消失的正式報告。

Regress our first independent variable x1 on our second independent variable x2 , and then obtain the residual 將第一個自變量向第二個自變量進行回歸,然后得到殘差。

The tumor regressed gradually and was not detectable by sonography at 33 months of age 腫瘤在治療過程中不再增大,從五個月大起逐漸變小,至三十三個月大時完全消失。

Fostering moral in daily life - the regress and surpass of basic paradigm in traditional moral educations 生活育德是中國傳統德性培育基本范式的回歸與超越

Let us hope the therapist will be less disorganized ( = regressed ) than the patient in this encounter 讓我們期待在這一相遇中治療師比病人更少去結構化。

The strategies of regress cropland to forestry and pasture in minority region of gansu province , china 甘肅省少數民族地區實施退耕還林還草的戰略對策

Do cancers always regress before killing us if they can ' t maintain their telomeres 如果癌癥不能維持它們的端粒,那么在殺死我們之前它們總要退化嗎?

Experimental data processed by linear regress and nonlinear curve regress using software of origin 軟件的線性擬合和非線性曲線擬合功能處理實驗數據

Since hongkong regressed , the environment of economy and politics is different 香港自回歸之后,經濟環境、政治環境以及社會環境都有所變化。