
regrant vt.重新許可,再答應,再承認;再次授與。n.再答應,重...


Of the contingency measures the government has , if hyf decides to scrap the above development project in the absence of an agreement with the government on the regrant premium , resulting in hyf not being able to realise its pledge of setting aside a sum in excess of 600m for improving ferry services 若然油地小輪因補地價問題未能與政府達成協議而放棄上述發展計劃,引致油地小輪不能實現其承諾撥款六億多元改善渡輪服

It is learnt that the hong kong and yaumati ferry company ltd and the government are still unable to reach an agreement on the regrant premium payable for the development of superstructures on the company s piers in central , thus causing delay in finalizing the development project 據悉,由于香港油地小輪船有限公司“油地小輪”與政府仍未能就發展中環碼頭上蓋物業的補地價問題達成協議,以致有關計劃遲遲未能定案。

Development consultancy : market studies and evaluation of development ; negotiation with government on modification , surrender and regrant of land leases ; preparation of financial assessments , cash flow studies and expenditure control systems 發展顧問:發展項目的市場研究及評估;與政府洽商地契的修訂、收回及重批等問題;制定財務評估報告、現金流量分析及開支控制制度

They should be given the opportunity for surrender and regrant of their landholdings because it takes long years to amalgamate the relevant lots to comply land uses zoning under the statutory plans 由于土地擁有人需要多年的時間才可以集合有關的地段,符合法定圖則的土地用途,他們應有機會交回及重獲批給其擁有的土地。

Use revoke grant option for to revoke the right to regrant the specified permission 使用revoke grant option for可以撤消重新授予指定權限的權利。

Regrant of expired lease 重批已屆滿契約

Applications for assessment of and exemption from payment of regrant premium 厘定及豁免補地價的申請pdf格式,繁體中文版

Surrender and regrant of land 交還及重批土地

Regrant unit urban and nt 契約重批小組市區及新界

Exchange by surrender and regrant land 交出土地換取政府重新批地

Exchange by surrender and regrant of land 交出土地換取政府重新批地

Registries property management and regrant 總務室物業管理及契約重批