
regolith n.【地質學;地理學】風化層,土被,表皮土(=mantl...


Finally , nasa and the florida space research institute are sponsoring moonrox , the moon regolith oxygen competition . a 250 , 000 prize goes to the team that can extract 5 kg of breathable oxygen from jsc - 1 lunar stimulant , a new lunar soil simulant developed under the auspices of nasa johnson space centre , in 8 hours 最后,美國太空總署和佛羅里達太空研究中心,正贊助一項名為月球表土氧氣的賽事,提供25萬美元獎金給率先在八小時內能從美國太空總署莊臣太空中心的模擬月球土壤jsc - 1提取5公斤可呼吸氧氣的人。

The surface of the moon is covered with regolith . as there is no weathering and erosion , the footprints left by astronauts would remain for million of years 月球表面鋪滿粉狀的微塵,由于沒有風化影響,太空人在月面留下的足跡相信可保存數百萬年。

Regolith mantle rock 地表巖屑