
regnant adj.1.〔通例用于名詞后〕(帝王等)在位的,統治的,...


Country road is an important part of mad net in hangzhou , which is regnant in country transportation and the basic establishment to the development of agriculture and country economic , country network layout to adapt to development hangzhou economic is put forward based on the study of hangzhou country road , the paper also forecast the scale of country mad , the aim and reasonable advice are brought forward 摘要農村公路是杭州市公路網的重要組成部分,在農村交通運輸網絡中居于主導性的地位,是農業和農村經濟賴以發展的重要基礎設施,本文在評價杭州市農村公路發展現狀的基礎上,提出了適應杭州市經濟發展的農村公路系統布局規劃,預測了農村會路發展規模及目標,給出了合理的建設實施建議。

At this dim inceptive stage of the day tess seemed to clare to exhibit a dignified largeness both of disposition and physique , an almost regnant power , possibly because he knew that at that preternatural time hardly any woman so well endowed in person as she was likely to be walking in the open air within the boundaries of his horizon ; very few in all england . fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns 在一天中這個朦朧的最初的階段,克萊爾覺得苔絲似乎在性格和形體兩個方面都表現出一種尊貴和莊嚴,那幾乎就是一種女王的力量,也可能是因為他知道,在外貌上像苔絲那樣天賦麗質的女子,都不大會在這個奇異的時刻里走進露天里來,走進他的視線的范圍以內這在全英國是非常少的。

Consideration on leader ' s regnant compentency 關于對領導干部執政修養基本問題的思考

A queen regnant must accede to the wishes of her minister as to the personnel of the female part of her household . 關于內廷女官的任用,執政女王必須采納首相的意見。