
registry n.1.記錄,登記,注冊;(船舶登記證上的)國籍。2.記...


3 . fix a bug of backup deleted registry entries .修正了備份刪除注冊表信息的一個錯誤

How to : read data from the windows registry >如何:從windows注冊表中讀取數據

Land registry statistics for october released 二六年十月份土地注冊處數字發表

Share information in a global registry architecture 共享整個注冊表體系結構中的信息

Protecting resources such as event logs , registry 保護資源(例如事件日志和注冊表)

Company formation and enforcement division companies registry 公司成立及條例執行部

Used registry to store history recent files 使用registry去貯存歷史打開的檔案

Expects a single registry variable access type 需要單一注冊表變量訪問類型。

Land registry statistics for february 2007 released 二七年二月份土地注冊處數字發表

For the ability to modify the specified registry key 表示修改指定注冊表項的能力。

To determine whether a value exists in a registry key 確定注冊表項中是否存在某個值

Sets full access for the specified registry keys 為指定的鍵和值設置完全訪問權限。

Queries the registry for symbol search paths 查詢注冊表以獲得符號搜索路徑。

Determine if a value in a registry key exists 確定注冊表項中的某個值是否存在

Enquire the booking situation of the marriage registries 查詢各登記處預約情況

This example creates the registry key 此示例在hkey _ current _ user下創建注冊表項

Each instance represents a root registry node 每個實例表示一個根注冊表節點。

The environment variable overrides the registry key 環境變量將重寫注冊表項。

3 . hong kong cancer registry , hospital authority 3 .醫院管理局癌癥資料統計中心